Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The alarm woke me up. I pushed the blankets down and rubbed my eyes as I sat up. I let out a yawn and looked outside the window. It's a weekend yet I still use my alarm. Well, it's normal. I mean I want to wake up early even on weekends. Not like I have something productive to do every weekend. I live alone. My parents are somewhere outside the country, working and here I am, taking residence on apartments.

I climbed down the bed and went with my usual morning routine-drink milk, eat cereal, take a bath, dress in my most comfortable clothes and throw myself on the sofa, open my laptop and look for the newest bestselling books. I grabbed my glasses from the table beside the sofa and as I put it on, my forehead creased. Something was written on the wall behind the television. I placed my laptop beside me, stood up and approached it.

What was written there made my hair stand on end.

"I'm always watching you with these eyes, Akane. So I'd be happy if you'd only look at me, too."

I unconsciously took a step backward. Somehow, I don't feel alone in this apartment anymore. The words looked as if they were written in blood, what with the drippings and all. My heart started to pound hard in my chest I immediately looked around. The apartment was dark and it felt eerie, as if someone else's presence was here.

Who would've entered my apartment? How did the person enter my apartment?

I quickly went for the switch and turned all the lights on. When the place lit up, I felt a little safe. I went to my room and changed-I had to get out of here or else I wouldn't calm down. I just slid into my floral dress that didn't reach my knee. I grabbed my sling bag, laptop and waltzed out of my apartment. As I turned around to lock the door, I saw a shadow move. I hoped it was just my imagination.

I went to the nearby convenience store and decided to pass the time there. I opened my laptop again and went to browse some funny videos just to get my mind off of the writings on the wall of my apartment then realized I would still see that there when I get home. And that maybe, that shadow would still be there.


I squealed and jumped the moment I heard someone call me. As I turned around, I saw Aoi Jin and the rest of the people there looking at me with confusion. I quickly shrank on my seat and looked down, "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scream..."

"Wow, you're not only weird but you also get surprised quite easily, huh." I didn't answer and remained looking down. From the corner of my eyes, I saw him sit beside me. He was wearing an apron over his black three-fourths and black jeans. "So, how are things, Mirai?"

Instead of answering his question, I asked him, "You work here?" before I could stop myself, the words had already slipped out. Gee, I'm really this desperate to get my mind off of that thing at the apartment.

He blinked, his blue eyes swirling with questions then he grinned, "Yeah. I do. It's one of my part time jobs."

"One of your part time jobs?" I arched a brow, "What are the others?"

He looked at me for a second before he smiled lopsidedly and leaned forward, "It may be just my imagination but are you actually interested in me, Mirai?"

"No, I just want to get my mind off of something and if talking to you is gonna help me do that then I'd keep asking you questions without a care of what you would think," I answered in not less than a second without stopping to think to sugar coat my words.

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