Chapter 7

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"Akane, are you okay? We've heard from Marumi what happened to you!"

"That person must be a creep!"

"He's a stalker—an obsessed stalker. And it's really scary."

"Hey, if I had a stalker and he was handsome, I'd gladly let him do whatever he wants~!"

"That's ridiculous."

"I wish my stalker was Minoru-senpai~!"

Sometimes, I don't understand people. They appear worried and then dreamy the next. It's not 'cool' when you have a stalker—it's scary. And from what happened, I wouldn't really wish for a stalker. I heaved a deep breath. So much for laying low.

With all these students crowding around my desk, I...

"Hey, hey, stop with that. Akane's been dealing with a lot of stress lately and you guys are adding up to that," Marumi said, pushing them aside with both of her arms. "C'mon, give her a break you guys."

"Awww, stingy!"

"We want to know what happened!"

She scratched the back of her head as she grabbed a seat from the nearest desk and sat across me, "Trust me, I have no idea how it spread so fast."

I stifled a laugh, "It's okay. It's better that way."

She looked at me, "Why?"

"Because then, if majority of the students in the school knows, don't you think it'd be easier to find out the culprit's identity?"

"But we're not sure if the person IS a student here." She shrugged, "Maybe it's some thug somewhere."

"That's creepier."

She laughed and tapped me on the shoulder, "But you don't need to worry, you're with me."

I nodded and managed a smile, "Yeah. Lucky me."

Homeroom then began. I pretty much dozed off in class and kept looking outside the window. I had my pen between my lips and my cheek was rested on the heel of my palm as I leaned my elbow on the desk. I sighed.

Personally, I believe it's a big advantage that some of my classmates know about what happened because it'd be much easier to narrow down the suspect. It's not that I have some solid proof that it's someone from the class or school but I just have this gut feeling...Yeah, that thing that both Finn and Jake always keep talking about. Ha ha. Funny.

"Alright, that's all for today."

I looked at the professor as the school bell rang followed by the clattering of the desks and the growing murmurs of the students. I grabbed my things and put them in my bag. Marumi approached me, "Hey, someone's here for you."

Jin's face immediately popped in my head, "Jin's here?"

She blinked. Her azure eyes squinted, " you have something about that delinquent?"

For a second there, the question made my heart skip a beat, "Wh-What are you talking about. It's not like that. We're just friends. It's just that I haven't received any messages from him neither have I seen him in school."

The corner of her lips lifted, "Really. So you were looking for him." I was about to protest when she added, "You won't be saying you haven't seen him in school if you weren't looking for him, right?" When I didn't answer, she continued, "Listen, I'm not the brightest when it comes to studies but girl, your best friend is a love guru."

"Pfft, okay. Whatever you say." But seriously, I just want to thank the guy for what he's done for me. "So," I started as I tilted my head so I could see who was standing by the doorframe, "Who did you say was waiting for..." my voice trailed off when I saw him there, leaning his back on the doorframe, his hand in his pocket. He was looking down and his eyes seemed staring into a distance. Slowly, he raised his head and my eyes met with those green eyes of his, "Akane."

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