That Book Is On Fiiiiiiiire! Fiiiiire! That Book Is Walking On Fiiiiire!

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Author's Note;
So it's been a while since I've been on, sorry! I know I really need to catch up and I'll try my best to do these questions and dares as soon as possible!
'I dare Spottedleaf to take Redtails favorite book and to burn it in front of his eyes! (Can get help from siblings 😉)'
From Sunspeck

"No, no, no! I'm not going through that again!" Patchpelt says slowly backing away, then runs upstairs.
"Coward!" Leopardfoot yells at him.
So we gonna do this or what?
"Uh- do we have to burn it? Can't we just hide it, in his room, on the desk or in his book cabinet?" Willowpelt asks.
"Uh- no! BURN IT! We are going to burn it." Leopardfoot replies.
"Oh... o-okay..." Willowpelt says looking down.
"Now what's his favorite book Spotty?" Leopardfoot asks.
Why are you asking me?
"Cause you're closest to him!" Leopardfoot replies.
Okay, okay. It's his Codex Hammer, or his World Book Encyclopedias.
"I don't want another $150 worth of books burnt, so I'll go with the ensiclopadio." Leopardfoot says.
"Pfft. Whatever." Leopardfoot retorts and runs up to Redtail's room while he's asleep and gets one of his World Book Encyclopedias. "Here you go." she says handing it to Willowpelt. "W-why do you want me to hold it?- oh... um,... here you go Spottedleaf!" Willowpelt says as she hands it to me.
Okay. *throws it into the fireplace*
Redtail runs down stairs. "I smelled smoke and woke up, what's going o- NOOOOOO!!! NOT AGAIN!!! NO! NO! NO!" Redtail kneels next to the ashes of his encyclopedia. "Why?! What did I do wrong?!"
"That book is on fiiire! Fiiire! That book is on fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiire! It's walking on fiiiiiire! Fiiire! That book is on fiiiiiire!" Willowpelt sings.

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