Untitled Part 17

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"Robbie come on mate open your eyes, squeeze my hand do something anything to let me know you're okay?" Jason was pleading with his brother to show any signs of life but was having no luck. They needed help and fast.

"Robbie?! Jason!! Please tell me you're okay!" Kara was still desperately trying to reach her brothers and had refused to hang up the phone. Jason could hear the muffled cries of his sister. He realised this was their chance to get help. Gently, so not to cause anymore damage he lent over to Robbie's side of the car to retrieve the phone and placed it to his ear.

"Kara, you've got to send help, we've crashed I don't know where we are exactly it's somewhere on the country road near our old house, but, but..." Jason could hardly bring himself to say the words, " I think Robbie's dead," with that Jason let out a desperate cry he realised just what a dire situation they were in.

Realising she had to be strong for her brothers Kara kept calm, she reassured she would phone for the emergency services and that she would call Jason back as soon as they were on their way. "Jason I need you to stay awake though, keep speaking to Robbie and try and get a response from him. I will call you back as soon as we've phoned 999,"

As soon as Kara hung up her calm manner was destroyed she broke down in tears whilst Joe, who had heard everything on loud speaker, phoned the emergency services and took over.

Kara tried to phone Jason back but she had no luck, there must have been poor service. Meanwhile Sandu was beside herself, the thought that two of her babies were seriously injured absolutely broke her heart, Joe took charge of the situation it was him that got his family into the car so they could head to the hospital to meet Robbie and Jason.


Jason took hold of Robbie's hand and kept talking to his brother. There was no reply, his hand was as cold as ice. Jason knew then. Robbie must be dead. Closing his own eyes Jason thought he too would be joining his brother but just then a bright light and the sound of sirens headed in their direction.

There was still hope, for Jason at least.


2 months later.

The past 8 weeks had passed in a blur for the Roscoe family. Jason had been lucky with a broken hand, a few broken ribs and a concussion but after 3 nights in hospital he was back home. Robbie however had not been so lucky, since the night of the crash he had been in a comma on the intensive care unit. Scans had revealed a bleed on the brain and due to his fragile state of health very little could be done for him. Doctors feared he would not be strong enough to make it through the operation, so there he stayed hooked up to machines that were keeping him alive. The Roscoes had kept by his side religiously praying for an improvement in his health but it was looking less and less likely with each day that passed.

Kara was now 8 months pregnant, she had sat her GCSEs as Sandy had made her but Kara knew she'd be lucky if she's scrape a c in anything. All her free time had been spent by Robbies bed side. She felt so guilty. All this had been her fault. Although none of the family blamed her she knew that deep down they must do.

It was a Wednesday evening when sandy came home from the hospital, she looked completely broken. She gathered her children into the living room. Just one look at their mum told them all they needed to know.

"It's not good news is it?" Jason asked not wanting to hear the answer. Without his twin he'd been completely devastated, it was as though a half of him was missing. He hadn't realised how much he depended on Robbie til he was no longer there with him everyday.

Sandy looked her children in the eyes and shook her head trying to fight back the tears, " I've spoke to the doctor today, if there's no change in Roberts condition in the next week, they will be turning off life support,"

At the heartbreaking news the whole family broke into tears, holding on to each other in their time of need.

Emotionally drained Kara headed up to bed, it was on her way upstairs when she doubled over onpain. She felt a wet sensation between her legs, she knew what was happening, " MUM!! I think my waters have broken!!"

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