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"Do you need any help?" I ask a young girl who's sitting alone in the corner of the classroom. Everyone else in the classroom is partnered up, working on their assignment together, except for her; she's working by herself.. She shakes her head, side to side, frantically, and I look down at her paper where I see a wrong answer. I have been walking around for the past four periods. All the other kids seem too nervous to talk to me, and I have no idea why, so to say I am bored is a huge understatement, so I really want to help her. "Are you sure that one's right?" I ask, pointing to the problem, knowing it's not.

Her skin is clear and light brown, and her brown hair is extremely curly, and it's up in a high ponytail. She reminds me of the young girl "Rue" from the Hunger Games. She looks up at me with her big, brown eyes. "Ye-yes.." She says, timidly. I sit in the empty seat in front of her and turn my body around to help her figure out where she went wrong..

"Here let me show you... You're adding the fractions wrong. In order to add them together, they have to have the same denominator, which is the bottom number." I point to the number below the line. "Then, once they are the same, you add the two numerators and keep the same denominator, and that's your answer... you get it?" I ask, with a smile of encouragement on my face.

"Oh.. oh, yeah.." Her face falls, and she erases her previous work. I watch as she multiplies the bottom number to find the least common factor, and then she adds the fractions again, the correct way. "Is this right?" She shows me her answer again, and this time, she has added them correctly, so I nod at her. This makes her eyes brighten up and a smile cover her face.

"Do you get it now?" I ask.

"Yes.. Thank you, Miss Woods." I stand up from my seat, and I pat her back.

"Call me Lily," I wink at her, and she smiles at me again, nodding her head and returning back to finish her worksheet. As I turn around, I bump into Mr. Styles-Harry, I mean. I stumble a little at the sudden contact, but he stops me, grabbing my forearms, and helps me regain balance. His touch burns my skin, and I quickly pull away. "Sorry.." I state, clearly embarrassed.

"It's okay, Lily. I see you've helped Susan out.. She's very to herself as you can tell. She's one of my smartest students, but she's only ever said two words to me this school year, so I'm surprised she spoke to you." My cheeks heat up. "You're doing very good so far," he adds.

"Thanks.." The bells rings, and the kids scramble to put their things away in their backpacks in order to get out of this classroom. Through the past five periods, including this one, I have learned that Harry is a really cool teacher. He's funny and nice, and he explains the material in a simple, understanding way, and all of the boys treat him like an older brother, and the girls swoon every time he talks to them or pats their back in encouragement. Even at the young age of 12, these girls know he's highly attractive. Harry Styles is one of the most gorgeous men I have ever encountered, and the sole thought that he's married is the only reason why my knees aren't buckling in weakness.

All of the kids disperse and Harry walks back inside the classroom, closing the door behind him. I check the time, and it's half past noon. He walks over to his desk, and I take this opportunity to check my phone. I unzip my purse, and I grab my iPhone out of it. I have two new texts. One is from my Anatomy Lab partner asking if I have studied for the big exam tomorrow, and I send a quick yes before checking the next message from Rose. "Any hot teachers??? *smirking emoji*" I giggle to myself at her bluntness and because I totally imagine her little smirk right now.

Before I can reply a "FUCK YES," a voice startles me. "No phones, Miss Woods," I jump from the sudden sound, and I drop my phone back in my purse. When I turn around, Harry is standing over my shoulder. Oh, shit.. Did he read that? He begins to laugh at the horrified expression that's probably covering my face. "I'm just messing with you.." He states, still laughing at his joke. But I still zip my purse back up, leaving my phone in there. I watch him walk back to his desk, and I follow him.

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