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I can't go to work today.. Not today. Not after I kissed my boss on Saturday morning. I'm such a fool.. A damn fool for ever thinking that he was even a little bit interested in me. The long gazes, gawking at me, low whispers in my ear, little smirks, they were all things that I imagined in my stupid mind. My phone alarm goes off telling me that it's time for me to get ready to go to work, but I literally have no energy to get out of bed.

Against my wishes, though, I roll off my comforter. I rummage through my closet, and I pick out a simple outfit. I put on a black pencil skirt, and I tuck in a white tank top into it. I put a red cardigan over the thin fabric, and I button it all the way to the top to cover my exposed cleavage. I pair it with my simple black heels, and I walk into the bathroom to freshen up and work on my hair and makeup. Half an hour later, and my makeup is naturally done, and my hair is in loose curls. I walk out of my bedroom and Rose is there, still in her pajamas, humming to herself.

"Hey Lily, I made you coffee.." She hands me a steaming cup of the beverage, and I sit down on one of our stools. I have ten minutes to spare, so I sip on my drink quietly, thinking about seeing him soon. "Are you alright?" I take another swig of my coffee as I try to avoid her question; I didn't tell her about the events this past weekend because I was too embarrassed, so when she tried to bring it up, I directed the conversation to her and Zayn. She went on and on about the bloke, and I would be lying if I said I didn't imagine a world where I could be in her place and Harry could be in Zayn's.

I let out a sigh before plastering the biggest smile on my face that I can manage. "Yeah, yeah.. Just exhausted," I smile once more, and she believes my lie, thankfully. I finish off my drink, and I quickly wash my cup before grabbing my purse, hugging Rose goodbye, and exiting my apartment. The ride to the school is awful; with every mile that I get closer, the weight on my shoulders seem to increase. Will he mention it? Should I bring it up? Should I apologize? What if he requests for me to be transferred to another classroom? Thousands of questions are boggling in my head, and when I park my car, I bang my forehead against the steering wheel. "I'm such a fucking idiot," I say to myself once more. That's literally the hundredth time I've said that to myself in the past two days.

With one last look at myself in the rear view mirror, I get out of my vehicle. I walk into the school, swipe my card, and make my way towards my doom. Mr. Styles classroom door is open, and I am thankful that it is full with students by the time I enter. Harry is sitting at his desk, glasses on his face as he stares intently at the papers in front of him; multiple students go up to him and tell them about his weekend, and I watch as he nods along and smiles through their stories, no matter how uninteresting they are. I walk to the back table, and I text Rose that I'm at work and place it in my bag. I straighten out my skirt before I turn around. Harry glances at me, but quickly turns away.

A loud sigh escapes my mouth; this is worse than I ever imagined. Four periods have gone by, and he still hasn't said one word to me. We make eye contact quickly, but he hurriedly breaks it as soon as we connect. I walk around the classroom, helping the children on their assignments. Most of them have become accustomed to my presence, so their questions for me keep me occupied for the most part. As I'm helping a young boy with one of his problems involving decimals, the bell rings. He thanks me for all the help before shoving the papers into his backpack and scurrying away. The classroom is empty, and the only sound is Mr. Styles walking to his desk. He looks towards the ground, not daring to look into my pouting, gray eyes.

I sit down on the back table, with my back facing away from him. I scroll through my phone, looking down my timeline on Twitter. I find a "relationship goals" page, and I smile at all the cute pictures that I'll probably never be able to recreate. I spend the whole period like this, and I even stay still after the bell for lunch finally rings. "Miss Woods?" His voice sends a shiver all the way down my back. I count to three to myself before I slowly turn around to face him.

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