Chapter two

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"Peppa NO!" I shouted, she had eaten Phillip. I knew I shouldn't have gone and left them to fight. I ran out side to see Phillip Reynolds snorting away drooling, he was doing a hog roast.

"Oh my glob! Oh.. my...Glob." I whimpered. I looked over at Phillip and saw evil in his small beady eyes, they were red.

"Mmmm." He said, I backed away. "Mmmm. Hehehehe, your next Nicole..Your next." I screamed as loud as I could but no one came, they must of thought I was attention seeking but I wasn't! I watched as Phillip grew larger and larger, he had inhaled Peppa's magical powers! I saw as many unicorns looked up at me, obviously blaming me.

"Run!" I shouted.

"Fight it you cheese puff! You brought this upon us, now get rid of it." Some one shouted back, others nodded and agreed before running away. 

"Mwahahahaaa" He laughed. " Your comfy is running away? Your stretch is fighting? But your challenge is winning!" He bellowed . I usually stick with comfy, but I was going to stretch, maybe even challenge my self.

" Challenge me." I said trying to sound brave, but I was actually afraid. What if I ended up like Peppa pig ? Eaten. Inside his huge belly!

"Ok." He smiled, he looked almost innocent but I knew he was planning something. I knew I had to be prepared. Phillip looked hungry and I knew if I didn't beat him, he would find the other unicorns and kill them, along with me. I swished my pretty mane back and ran towards him only to be bounced back and hit against a tree.

"Hehe. Nicole, Nicole, Nicole." He shook his head walking towards me. " Your next." He lowered his head and smiled. "What you look like?" He asked.

"Shut up! Stop saying that you lump, all you are is some thing who thinks he owns the world because he is fat and belly flops unicorns and..." I gulped as I shed a tear. "And Peppa pigs." I said lowering my head. Phillip became smaller, from his giant powers evolved a weak little boy crying in a corner.

"I.. I just wanted to be scary!" He wined sniffling. " I thought I might make some friends that think im powerful." He whimpered. 

"To much of a challenge?" I asked hugging him. He nodded and lay his head on me. " We have both learned something from this, I shouldn't be so full of my self, even though im gorgeous and pretty and perfect and-"

"Yes?" He interrupted.

"Sorry. You learned that you don't need to be powerful to be cool."  I said, then we sat and shared Peppa pig in the sunlight.

Me, the unicornWhere stories live. Discover now