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Prince Charming rides on a horse along a long stretch of land towards a forest. In the forest, he meets several dwarves and a crying woman gathered around a glass coffin.
"You're too late." Doc says sorrowfully. Prince Charming face contorts into the face if a man who has lost everything.
"No. No! Open it." Amalea sniffs and wipes her tears. More run down her face replacing them making her attempts futile.
"I'm sorry James, she's gone." Amalea puts a hand on his shoulder that was Shook off.
"At least let me say goodbye." James looks up at Amalea with a tear running down his cheek.
Feeling guilty Amalea nods.
The dwarves remove the lid of the coffin. Prince Charming kisses Snow White, which causes the sleeping curse to be broken. A pulse of magic spreads throughout the land. She wakes up and gasps. Amalea nearly falls with the power of the kiss and the shock of seeing her friend alive and breathing
"You... You found me." Snow seems relieved that James had found her.
"Did you ever doubt I would?"
"Truthfully, the glass coffin gave me pause." Everyone chuckles but charming.
"Well, you never have to worry. I will always find you." Amalea holds back on squealing and jumping up and down at the sweet promise James made.
"Do you promise?"
Months pass and soon enough it's their wedding.
"I do." James says with so much happiness and love in his eyes.
"And do you, Snow White, promise to take this man to be your husband, and love him for all eternity?"
"I do." She says with just as much emotion in her eyes and voice.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife."
At this point Amalea is blubbering like a child who got what they wanted for Christmas.
There is a round of applause. Snow White and Prince Charming lean in for a kiss, but are interrupted. The Evil Queen enters.
"Sorry I'm late." Regina says with a smirk. Amalea knew what pain lied behind that smirk.
The Evil Queen approaches the couple. Two guards try to stop her, but she pushes them out of the way with magic. Amalea composes herself and walks over to Regina.
"Sister, please rethink what you are going to do." Regina stops momentarily. The evil queen searches her sisters eyes and nods slightly.
"It's the Queen. Run!" Doc yells with fear in his voice and stance.
Snow White draws Prince Charming's sword and points it at the Evil Queen.
"She's not the Queen anymore. She's nothing more than an evil witch." Amalea sighs and stands in front of her sister, wanting to deescalate the situation.
"No, no, no. Don't stoop to her level. There's no need."
Prince Charming takes the sword from Snow White.
"You're wasting your time. You've already lost. And I will not let you ruin this wedding." The queen chuckles keeping her facade of evil up for the spectators.
"Oh, I haven't come here to ruin anything. On the contrary, dear, I've come to give you a gift."
"We want nothing from you." Snow White says with venom in her voice.
"But you shall have it! My gift to you is this happy, happy day." Regina starts.
"But tomorrow, my real work begins. You've made your vows, now I make mine. Soon, everything you love, everything all of you love, will be taken from you. Forever. And out of your suffering, will rise my victory. I shall destroy your happiness, if it is the last thing I do." Amalea looks at Regina sadly.
The Evil Queen turns around and heads for the door, ignoring her sister. Prince Charming calls after her.

The Queen turns around. Prince Charming throws his sword at her, nearly hitting Amalea, but she dissipates before it hits her. The remaining people at the wedding nervously talk amongst themselves, and Prince Charming and Snow White hug. Charming tries his best to comfort snow. Amalea stares at the spot her sister stood with a forlorn look. One day things will be better.

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