Chapter One

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-chapter one-
A young boy, Henry, is seen with the book containing Snow White and Prince Charming on his lap. The boy is on a bus that is headed to Boston.
"That a good book?" And woman asks him from across the walkway of the coach bus.
"This? It's more than just a book."
"Oh?" The woman says, amused with the boys faith in the book.
The drive speaks over the sound system.
"Boston, South Station. Thank you for riding Greyhound."
Henry exits the bus. He finds a taxi and knocks on the window.
"Uh... You take credit cards?" Henry asks naively, holding up the stolen credit cards.
The taxi driver, fine with exploiting the young boys lack of knowledge, replies
"Where to, chief?"


A woman, Emma, exits an elevator and enters a fancy restaurant. She looks around until she finds her date. The man goes to shake her hand.
"Emma." His intentions are anything but kind. He was planning of using her and moving on. Like he always does.
"Ryan? You look relieved." Emma says.

"Well, it is the internet. Pictures can be..." he looks Emma up and down appreciatively. Before sitting down.
Emma sits and inwardly sighs in relief. The heels on her feet were killing her.
"Fake. Outdated. Stolen from a Victoria's Secret catalogue. So..."
"So... Um... Tell me something about yourself, Emma." Ryan asks, not at all interested in what Emma had to say.
"Oh. Ah, well, today's my birthday." Emma knew better than to actually give out any information on herself but the thought of being alone on her birthday again made her vulnerable.
"And you're spending it with me! What about your friends?" Ryan says with false interest.
"Kind of a loner." Emma says truthfully.
"And, you don't like your family?" Ryan asks.
"No family to like." Once again, Emma makes the mistake of giving this man a weakness.
"Oh, come on. Everyone has family." Ryan says intrigued, he knew that girls like Emma were the easiest to break in most cases.
"Technically, yeah. And everyone knows who they are? Ready to run yet?" Emma knew she had Ryan where she wanted him.
"Oh, not a chance. You, Emma, are by far, the sexiest, friendless orphan I have ever met." Emma smiles as if she was flattered but she was instead, disgusted with this man lack of caring for his family.

"Okay. Your turn. No wait, let me guess. Um... You are handsome, charming..." Emma pauses.
"Go on." Ryan's ego enflamed even more at Emma's words.
"The kind of guy who – and now, stop me if I get this wrong – embezzled from your employer, got arrested, and skipped town before they were able to throw your ass in jail." The look on Ryan's face was priceless in Emma's opinion, and she was laughing like a maniac in her head.
"What?" He couldn't quite comprehend how this woman could know all this.
"And the worst part of all is your wife. Your wife loves you so much that she bailed you out, and how do you repay that loyalty? You're on a date." Emma let's the disgust she was feeling seep into her voice.
"Who are you?"
"The chick who put up the rest of the money." Emma says bitterly.
"You're a bail bondsman." Ryan says ready to bolt the second she confirms his guess.
Emma does just that and says. "Bail bondsperson."
The man flips the table, spilling everything on Emma as He runs out of the restaurant.
Emma sighs. "Really?" Ignoring the looks of everyone in the restaurant she speed walks after Ryan.
The man runs across the street, while dodging traffic, to his car. Emma calmly walks towards the man's car. The man starts the ignition, but the car won't move. He opens the door to look out, and sees a boot. Emma catches up to him.
"You don't have to do this, okay? I can pay you. I got money." The man lies in order to escape.
Emma mentally scoffs.
"No, you don't. And if you did, you should give it to your wife to take care of your family."
Emma's vulnerability bites her in the ass as Ryan says,
"The hell you know about family, huh?"
Emma slams the man's head against the steering wheel, annoyed with his blatant disrespect.
"Nothing." Emma says  to the man's unconscious form.


Emma arrives home to her apartment. She opens a box with a cupcake inside. She put a single, star-shaped candle on top and lights it. She leans on the counter and stares at it.
"Another banner year." She says it with the sadness she let's no one see.
She closes her eyes, makes a wish, and blows out the candle. The doorbell rings. Emma looks at the door suspicious, she then glances at her cupcake. She shrugs off the thought since it was ridiculous. She answers the door, only to find the boy from the bus, Henry.

"Uh? Can I help you?"
"Are you Emma Swan?" The boy says hopefully.
"Yeah. Who are you?" Emma was confused as to how this boy knew her name.
"My name's Henry. I'm your son." Emma nearly faints but she forces it back as she denies having a child.
Henry pushes past Emma into the apartment.
"Whoa! Hey, kid! Kid! Kid! I don't have a son! Where are your parents?"
"Ten years ago. Did you give up a baby for adoption? That was me." Emma, unable to lie anymore, takes in a shaky breath.
"...Give me a minute."
Emma goes into the bathroom to compose herself. Henry yells from the other side of the door.
"Hey, you have any juice? Never mind, found some."
Emma exits the bathroom determined.
Henry is seen drinking juice straight from the bottle without a care in the world.
"You know, we should probably get going."
"Going where?" Emma was seething. Who did this kid think he was? Did he really think that it was fair to take this woman out of her life and flip everything upside down?
"I want you to come home with me." That was the last straw. "Okay, kid. I'm calling the cops." This boy needed to be taken home to his family and away from Emma.
"Then I'll tell them you kidnapped me." The boy says sneakily.
"And they'll believe you because I'm your birth mother." Emma sighs in contempt.
"Yep." Henry pops the p, feeling like he has won.
"You're not going to do that." Emma says using her instincts.
Henry grins. "Try me."
"You're pretty good. But here's the thing – there's not a lot I'm great at in life. I have one skill. Let's call it a superpower. I can tell when anyone is lying and you, kid, are." Henry's face falls with the realization that he has Lost this battle. He decides to change tactics.
"Wait... Please don't call the cops. Please, come home with me." He begs, letting sadness drip into his voice.
Emma sighs. "Where's home?"
"Storybrooke, Maine."
"Storybrooke? Seriously?" Emma rolls her eyes at the inconvenience.
Henry nods.
"Alrighty, then. Let's get you back to Storybrooke." Emma walks away to get changed.

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