Chapter 1: Why are you here?

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  • Dedicated to Daniel H.

7W, Class Of Doom

It was a very bright room, with large windows, a glass desk and a couple of armchairs. Through the window I could see birds, free birds flying around,they were free, unlike me; I was imprisoned in this dreadful place, cell 78W, those number and letter were my doom, the reason I lived in this desert island.

Behind the glass table, sitting on a leather chair was an old man,he had white hair that went with his white beard. He had large, brown glasses, which covered a pair of wary brown eyes. He carried a little,old,red notebook. Everything I said, he noted it down. Not a single detail was left out. Next to me, a big shelf divided into letters. I supposed all the information from what they called 'crazy people' would be stored over there.

The strangest thing about that room was that nothing was pointy. All edges had been turned into a circular shape and, if it wasn't, it would be covered up with a piece of foam.

"So...Why are you here"; He asked.

It was so annoying every time people told me that question. I was sure I wasn't crazy. All of those days I used to be in front of 24 kids. Some of them were really really intelligent and sensible whilst some of them enjoyed looking stupid and being immature.

"I'm not crazy!" I answered back.

"I'm not saying you are crazy..."

"I know you're not saying I'm crazy but you mean it!"

Every time we talked the volume went up.

"The only thing I asked you was that what have you done, or what do they think you've done to come here?".

That was the moment when I realized he wasn't actually being rude to me, in fact, he was trying to be friendly. I stood for a while, thinking, that was when I realized he wasn't being friendly, he 'pretended' to be my friend. That way he would be able to read me just as someone can read a book. I would not accept it!

" OK so now were calmed down, do you know what you have been taken here for?"

He made me his 2 question and this time I fell in his tricks.

"Well, my main problem is that people don't believe me. Nobody believes what I saw on those horrible 3 years! Nobody believed the horrible time I had to pass in that room! Nobody! Those kids were not normal kids. Some of them had problems, really big problems. I can tell you some of my experiences if you like..."

Then, the strangest of the things happened, he had just got me to spit out all the information he needed to prove I was crazy when he told me it was late, and he had to go.

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