Ugh (Allen)

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Allen liked his freckles. They dotted his nose and cheeks and were his favourite thing about Ollie. There was a knock on the door, so he stood up and walked away from a still blushing Oliver. He opened the door. It was only the pizza guy. He quickly paid him them slammed the door in his face. Literally. He heard the guy yelp in pain. Looking out the window, he chuckled at the sight of the guys gaze tilting upwards, holding his nose as he slowly walked back to his car. He walked back to Oliver, humming slightly. He dropped the pizza box next to Ollie's bed.
"Bon appetite 'n' all that shit."
Oliver just stared down at it like it was a deadly parasite, his nose wrinkled slightly.
"What?" Allen asked.
Ollie looked up.
"I'm not eating it." He said.
Allen could feel himself get angry.
"And why the fuck not?" He snapped.
Oliver must have had a death wish, because he just scowled. Allen took a step closer to him, and Ollie flinched.
"You are so fucking stubborn!" He shouted, storming out of Olivers room and slamming the door.
"Fucking Brit." He muttered, banging around in his cupboards.

"Here you fucking idiot." He said, throwing some food and a knife at Oliver so hard it made a shallow cut on his cheek and lodged firmly into the wall behind him.
Oliver shook slightly.
"T-Thank you." He whispered.
Allen scoffed and shut the door behind him.
Allen needed to do something to relax, so he went over his options.
Beat up his brother, kill someone...
That was it. He knew what he wanted to do.
~Time skip~
He came back from his killing spree, a lot calmer and soaked in blood from head to toe. He dropped his baseball bat by the door and moved to his bedroom, pulling out a spare pair of clothes and walking into the bathroom. After a quick shower, he changed and walked to Ollie's 'room', towel drying his auburn hair. He opened the door slowly, before stepping in and shutting it. Then he screamed- a very manly scream of course- as the knife from earlier hit the door behind him. He had narrowly avoided getting hit in an unpleasant spot, and he bent down to pull the knife out from between his legs. He sweat dropped, flipping the knife around so he held the blade.
"You almost prevented me from having children, British bastard." He heard Oliver snort.
"Oh did I? Shame I missed."
Allen just handed him the knife and left without a word.

It was a mistake, leaving Oliver with a knife. He didn't go on there for several days, remembering that Oliver was quite handy with a knife. He'd heard that somewhere, although where he couldn't remember. Probably from Matt or Luciano, he concluded. When he finally did go in, he was thankful Ollie didn't try to circumcise him.
"What do you want?" Oliver spat bitterly.
Allen handed him a plate.
"Can't have ya starvin', doll face." He shrugged.
Oliver suddenly whipped around, the tip of the knife held at Allen's adams apple.
"Do. Not. Call. Me. That." He hissed.
Allen backed up in surrender. He figured he was already on Ollie's bad side, why make it worse? But the more he looked at Ollie, the more he knew something wasn't right.
"Ugh. So annoying!" Oliver murmured.
Thats when Allen noticed. The waver in his voice. The tracks down his cheeks. The eyes, spectacular blue, now dull grey and shot with blood. Allen stared.
"Oliver, are- are you crying?"

-My poor baby Ollie ;-; *squishes an awkward Oliver in a hug* Whys he crying? You'll have to wait and see mwahahahaha! >:D-

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