Chapter three- Getting Ready

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A/N outfit on the side sorry this one is so short its a bit of a filler chapter

~Skylars POV~

I woke up early to get ready to meet Reed at the sweet shop. I decided to dress causuall since Reed hadn't told me how to dress so i just assumed. 

I started my shower and decided to pick out what I would wear. I ran my hands through the shirts that I had hanging up in my closet. I decided on a blue shirt with plam trees on it and matching shorts. As for shoes I picked my sea blue vans. And I also picked out and adorable panda snapback. I set them to the side and got out my iphone case and again picked the stitch case and for accesories I set out my guitar pick neclace with a music symbol heart painted on it.

Once I did that I got into the shower setting my vintage glasses on the vanity. I decided on using my coconut body wash and scrubbed the dirt from my skin. It wasn't coming off with ease let me tell you. I mixed in some avino and the dirt started to come off. After about 40 minutes I was finally rid of the dirt. I wrapped myself in a large blue towel and wrapped my hair in one as well. 

I went and sat in my blue chair and went onto twitter. Reed had left me a message.

Hey I forgot to give you a time, 9 good for you?

I looked at the time it was already quarter till. I quickly dried off and got dressed. Racing down the stairs I yelled to my dad that I was going out and I made my way to the sweet shop.

~Reeds POV~

"Your nervous aren't you?" Claire said coming to sit with me.

"Yeah, maybe a little bit," I said, "It's just, I like her more than just friends its one of those instant connections you know," I said looking down at my hands.

"Just blow her away with your charms, you know she likes you," she said.

"Really!?" I said excited.

"Yeah, istn't it obvious?"

"I guess I wasn't paying attention."

"Well she's almost here act normal."

"Alright," I said as Claire put two plates down on the table. Fruit scones. Yum.


Okay so I need a ship name for them so comment what there ship name should be and tell me what you think. Best ship name will be chosen. Best comment gets a shoutout/dedecation in the story.

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