Important Facts To This Story

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I'm gonna make a fun list below so you can bite your nails as you keep on reading this story. First of all, have in mind that this is a continuance to 'Demons'. If you haven't yet read it, you will not understand some characters suddenly appearing throughout the story (I would recommend you do that first). If you HAVE read both of my stories prior to this one, there are some things you need to be aware of:

- I am way ahead of the published amount of chapters (I know what's going to happen next already)

- I already know who the white wolf is going to be...and nobody has been even close to guessing it yet

- A character from another wolf-story on Wattpad, will make her appearance in this story (with the author's approval of couse)

Related to the third fact, I would deeply recommend you take a look into @EmmaNorman_'s following wolf-stories: "The Rogue", "Into Darkness" and "Broken Man"...that is if you want to get to know the character I'm bringing into my story for a few chapters. My character Blake Hanson, will make an appearance in her last one, "Broken Man" so stay tuned for the 'cross-overs', it's going to be fun :)

Wishing you all the best and enjoy the story ;*

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