Chapter 21 - More Time To Spend

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Blake's pov:
There was something wrong when Kate's mother never returned from her room for breakfast. She had cooked it for the kids and us, but after that it was like she just disappeared. It wasn't until we looked through her room that we noticed that she had gone to the woods. Kate had a sudden bad feeling about it, and so did I. We both agreed to go out there and find her. Our intuition from the start, was dead on.

I turn back to my human-form after pushing my father to back off a little bit. He tries to not look surprised that I have found my wolf again, but I know he is. After all, he seemed so sure that he had killed him for good. I guess it's our turn to have the upper hand. My wolf says.

- It seems to me like there's an intense amounts of wolves and Goddesses against me. There seems to be more to it than just your so-called strength.

I half-smile at him.

- Don't act so surprised, 'father'. It would take away your edge, wouldn't it?

I raise an eyebrow as I hear Kate slowly trying to make her way to her mother. She's in human-form and extremely vulnerable. None of us see it coming when my father suddenly turns to his wolf and attacks her straight on. I fail to react in time before Kate is thrown against a tree. She immediately holds to her leg that seems to have taken a bad hit. Before he can do anything else, I turn to my wolf and place myself in front of her.

- If you think you're getting anywhere near her, you have something coming for you!

I growl at him. He shrugs in response.

- You can try to pretend that you pose a threat to me, son, but we both know you don't. Not even for your own family.

He taunts. For the first time in my life however, I am not afraid of him. I used to be, but I'm not anymore. My family is not a weakness. It's a strength, and the kind of advantage that I have over him.

- I'm afraid that's where you are wrong, 'father'. It is for the sake of her and our family that I pose a threat. It took a lot of pain to figure it out, but now that I have, I have no reason to be afraid of you.

I don't even give him the chance to respond to that before I attack him. I don't even stop to think about him being bigger than me. I just attack him. My wolf and I have reached some kind of agreement – never let a battle be lost before it actually is. That means I will not accept defeat before my heart stops beating. Not even then.

- I'm going to destroy you, son. Right in front of your precious mate, I will crush every bone in your body so that she feels every bit of pain that you do before she dies. After that, I will attack that precious pack of yours, take your children and make them live through the same hell that you and Damian did...

He's countered my attempts a few times, but not a single one of his scratch and claw attempts have gotten to me.

- You will have to be alive to do those things, and I'm not planning for you to see the sunrise...

I attack him again. He tries to counter me with his paw and claws, but I've learned his pattern by now. I bite his paw hard before I let go and we separate. He limps a few meters away from me. I'm about to attack him again when I see the white wolf appearing next to me. I can tell he's weak, but he still has a fight in him. He turns his head towards me for a brief moment.

- Are you ready?

I nod weakly before we notice that my father tries to run for it. This man has dared to call me a coward in the past. I guess we're seeing who the real one is.

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