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It was stupid really.

We got in trouble...again, how? Isn't that obvious to even tell?!

I was sitting outside of the damn Principal's office, since I was busy with things and getting too carried away with other... stuff.

Haru, who was sitting next to me, sighed. Haru (or Haruka Nanase) is one of my best friends, he's the star swimmer in the school.

Haru looks very calm and mature, well not really because at times me and him get dragged into trouble with MY cousins (that is the embarrassing part).

That is the reason why we are sitting in front of the Office in the first place! My stupid overly rated, psychopathic, cousins!

Great we are going to get suspended, again!

'Sennens, Nanase, what have you been doing now?' The Principal sharply asked as Malik tried to explain but instead it came out like this,

'Apparently we DIDN'T try to vandalise the school because vandalising is SO old school but we did nothing!'

I glared at him coldly as he put on a BIG grin and shrugged to me like, "It was all I could say!"

'I hope not.' The Principal growled.

As time passed we actually skipped two lessons and break was already proceeding. In the end we didn't get detention or a suspension.

That was good.

Once we exited the Office a big nightmare came,

'Yami~sempai!' I growled, that was Tea Gardener, one of the girls who wanted to out with me.

'Meet you at the rooftops bro,' Haru whispered as I nodded. Once my best friend and cousins disappeared to the corner,

'Um...Yami~sempai, I really like you. Please go out with me?' Tea said with so much embarrassment, I bit my lip to be honest I liked someone else, now you might be wondering who is she?
Actually, it's a he.

'Sorry. I don't like you.' I said coldly but trying not to be hurtful at the same time, but how the way I said it, didn't turn out how I wanted to say it.

I walked away, not turning around to see what happens next and I don't WANT to see what happened next anyways.

The day went by like a mili second. Haru had to go to his swimming, my cousins and I split ways and I was on my own on the train station. As usual, the train was crowded, like always.

'Phew. I made it' I heard someone huff as I turned my head to see Yugi, yes THE Yugi Muto one of the MOST smartest guys in our school, who was in front of me.

That was my secret crush for you. With those shining amethyst eyes which shimmer every time in the sunlight, even though he has those gleaming black rimmed glasses, even though he is short, I don't care, he's beautiful that way.

Then I found myself chuckling at him, which was TOTALLY embarrassing! I could see Yugi's body shake. Is he angry at something today?

'Doors opening. Mind your step' The voice said through the speakers, I tried to push my way out, but the crowd was too strong for me so one guy pushed me out of the way and at the process of that.

I bumped into another person.


I gasped, that sounded like glasses smashing. I prayed to Ra that it wasn't Yugi's glasses.
Then to my shock, it was.

I ran over to Yugi, who was sprawling on the ground, 'Sorry man, you glasses were stepped on.'
I scolded myself in my mind, I am an IDIOT! I screamed why could I talk to him like this?

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