Well darn! Cosplay!

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 Anime4Life_22 great for the chapter name, "Well darn" is definitely the right way to name a chapter.


It was an early saturday morning.
On a usual saturday I usually go over to Haru's house and spend time there playing video games with my psychopathic cousins.

Atem's going to stay home doing a little business. Since he's the heir of Sennen corporations, yes, he DOES have some business to do.
But another thing is that Atem isn't single and he has a boyfriend.

Boyfriend, yes, he has a boyfriend.

Last night I sort of heard very weird noises coming from his room, but I decided to ignore him.
I dunno why, I just did.

This morning, I got myself out of bed and had my breakfast, jam and toast. I had no idea why I decided to have toast and jam but I just did.

I could've chosen Nutella if I wanted to!

I also decided that this day would be different than before. Why? Oh, I decided to hang out with Yugi for the day.
Yes, with Yugi, who else?
Except for Haru (not including my psychopathic cousins).

I walked out of the elevator and out into the city. Dang, what am I supposed to do? Alright, alright, go to Yugi's place.

As I walked, I look behind me and arrows hit me SO hard in the back. A crowd of girls, bisexual/gay guys were walking behind me, some from school who always chase me, some were random teenagers about my age and a tiny bit younger.

'There he is!' on girls screamed,
'What are we waiting for? GET HIM!' A boy added as I darted.
Gosh I needed to get there as fast as I could.

Luckily Ra was with me for most of the time, I reached the Game Shop I quickly spoke to Solomon, well I only said these words,


I turned to the side and made eye contact with Yugi, his amethyst eyes were SO beautiful. I walked over to him, he blushed a little, since I wanted to get out of here already, I grabbed his hands and zoomed to Ra knows where.
He better know.

As we ran the same crowd came out chasing us, or me, or whatever. I also realised that I was holding Yugi's hand, which made me blush, now I am as red as a tomato.

As soon as we lost them, I leaned on a pole and tried to catch my breath, ok:

Take one: INHALE!!!

Alright now, take two: EXHALE!!!

Now repeat the process over and over. But for short I was just huffing and puffing.

I felt a tiny hand on my forehead, I slowly looked up, it was Yugi.
'Your face is all red,' he said, 'are you ok?'

I looked up at him and gulped softly, I need to cover it up somehow, 'Oh, sorry. It must be from the running,' I lied.

I can't stop huffing and puffing, like someone who just ran 100 miles without stopping or something!

'Why did you drag me out of the shop?' Yugi asked, he was a little irritated I could tell, 'I was supposed to help my grampa today.'

I bit my lip before answering, 'Your Grampa said that you need to enjoy doing things you like. So he asked me to make this a fun day for him.'
Please don't yell at me, of course, Solomon didn't ask me. I did.

'And also I wanted-' No Yami, what are you doing if you say that next word you'll die! '-No, let's enjoy the day.'

We walked for a few minuted, we were quiet, I bet Yugi was thinking what I was about to say.

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