3 Years.

605 17 0

3 years later~
I walk down the grocery store isle in my sweat pants and tank top my eyes had dark bags beneath them I grabbed things I needed for the house and bought it I drove home I unloaded my groceries and ran into my room slamming the door I sat back and took a deep breath

wondering how these 3 years been,well they've been hell I sit crying in my room every day since 2 weeks ago when Zach broke up with me he didn't even say why he just called me and I haven't seen or talked to him since and I don't wanna and before he broke up with me

everything was going great but I guess I was the only one who thought that I picked up my new phone yeah I kinda threw my old one when Zach was texting me.I go through instagram Zach posted a picture 1 hour ago why do I even still follow him

Bruhitszach:not feeling myself lately but I promise a YouTube video and broadcasting tomorrow sorry guys.

I laugh he's feeling almost what I am he deserves it I mean we are 19 grown ups we talk through things not just decide on a break up I text Austin he has been a great friend and we texted a lot in the last 2 weeks and he knows everything but he also knows I'm moving to Georgia

I'm sharing an apartment with my sister I leave in 1 week exactly my bags are packed I hear the door probably the pizza I ordered yes I just bought food but I don't wanna cook I ran and opened the door I smiled and threw my hand out with the money his head lifted

"Zach?"I almost fell over he gives a half smile he looked terrible "hey"I hand him the money and place the pizza inside "are you okay"he shrugs "same as you a wreck"I raise my hands in the air and drop them "why did you even break up with me"he bites his lip "I texted you why"

I shake my head "yeah um I threw my phone and it shattered"he nods his head was down the whole time I grabbed his head bringing it to my level his eyes had a glossy coat over them he wanted to cry "Zach why did you break up with me"he sniffles "I'm not good for you your growing into an adult

I'm not Its like i'm still 14"I giggle "not good for you sounds like something I would say talk to me don't assume the worst"he points at me "that's what I'm talking about"I pointed at him "Zach your growing up to you have a job look at you and taking a lot of responsibility"he smiles that smile I've missed it so much

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