Thirst for Revenge

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"Isn't that Roland, Lillith, Mordi, and Brick?"

"Yep," I said and gulped.

"Aaron, we have to get back to the fast travel station. I have a really bad feeling about this," I said.

"Me too lets go."

We quietly hopped down the way we came up, making sure not to make any noise.

"Just in case you didn't figure it out, this is how the game starts...exactly like this."

"Shh! Let's focus on getting back, then we can reminisce on your sweet love for this game." He said sarcastically and I kicked his foot. I rolled my eyes and heard him laugh softly.

We went around the house and along the fence that was linked to the opening of the town. Then we heard the garage open up.

"They're meeting Dr. Zed right now!" I said.


"Never mind just keep walking!" I whispered.

"I can see it YN, let's make a run for it right now," Aaron said.

"Yeah we better do it now before they come out," I said and nudged him to move forward.

Then we started sprinting towards the fast travel station but it began to glitch in and out. Fading slowly, and blinking like a burnt out light bulb. If it closes, I don't know what we're gonna do.

"HURRY!" I said and we ran faster. We were trotting lots of dirt behind us. I looked back and saw Lillith listening to CL4PTR4P talk, she rolled her eyes at him, I could tell that she was annoyed with the little robot.

"ZZzzst." And it was gone.

"God dammit," Aaron said and kicked the Catch A Ride station.

"There has to be another fast travel, I know there is," I said.

"This is all...your...FAULT," he said turning around at me.

"Oh don't even start," I said.

"If we didn't friggen go over than and talk about your little game story, then we-"

"You're not making much sense and your tantrum isn't amusing me," I said to him.

"I am making the decisions now," he said.

"Hell no if anyone is the designated leader, that's gonna be me," I said as I pointed to myself.

"I shouldn't have let you-"

"Listen. I may not be a direct born Pandorian, but I know this place like the back of my hand, better than you do. No questions," I said and turned around.

I heard him take an obnoxious breath in, and exhale out. I looked at the gates and they were now closed. That's weird. Then I saw some bandits hop over the fence, and knew exactly what was going to happen.

"We need to hide," I said.

"We need to hide," he copied.

"I just said that," I said.

"Said what?"

"That we need to hide."

"No I just said that."

"You are REALLY pushing my buttons here," I said and walked behind the outdoor garage.

I crouched behind the wall and watched the Vault Hunter destroy the few bandits. One by one they picked them off. Once completed they helped the injured robot that had been shot by one of the bandits up.

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