The Dream that separates us

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Everyone has a dream, some just talk about them, others show them and express their selves to the fullest, Jose and Ignacio are two boys who grew up on the streets of Mexico, they always had the dream of becoming professional soccer players when they were little because of their grandpa which played professionally. Jose and Ignacio had parents called Arthuro and Alejandra which always expected a lot from both of them but always showed love and compassion for the both of them but sadly it wasn't the same way around, Jose did love his parents and he was appreciated for having them because they we're all poor, but Ignacio on the other hand was mean and disrespectful most of the time to his parents. Ignacio was involved with gangs behind his parents and brothers back and he did this to get drugs and money from the gangs, Ignacio didn't really spend a lot of time at home because he was most of the time with his gang. Jose and Ignacio wanted to play for the Mexican Soccer club called Chivas, they we're die hard fans for this soccer club and dreamt to play with other pro players but right now they played on a little team called Los Guerreros which we're the best team in the neighborhood. One afternoon, Jose and Ignacio had an Important game that if they won it would get them into the state championships, they we're losing 2-1, Ignacio scored a goal and it was all tied up but in the last minutes of the game the opposing team fouled a player and Jose was the one to decide the game by taking a penalty, Jose kicks it and it's a goal, it's all over. The team advanced to the state championship, everyone congratulated them and an agent came up to the both of them telling them that they have a gift from God and that they should talk to him so that they could attend try outs for Chivas and they agree to talk in 2 days, Alejandra and Arthuro invited a lot of people from their neighborhood to a party celebrating the soccer game that took them to the state championship, many people came and had a good time but this party was hard to put together because of money reasons so the gang gave Ignacio a bit of money for the party but he had to pay it back tomorrow, Ignacio thought the gang was joking but when he realized it he started to panic and started to find ways to earn some money for the gang, so he started to steal some money from people he knew, Ignacio paid up the next day and was relieved and he was also curious because the gang was ready with guns ready to take care of personal business.

In the afternoon Jose came from playing soccer with his friends and found people crying, Jose was confused about why his parents weren't home then he got told by neighbors that they had been killed during a shooting caused by the gangs, Jose started to make himself believe this was a dream which was truly not, instead it was the hard truth that hit him so hard that he started crying, Ignacio later got home and he too was confused but he wasn't crying he was angry, you could see it in his red eyes because he knew exactly who caused this and stormed out the house heading towards the gang's hideout. Ignacio arrived at an abandoned warehouse with a gun , he found the gang and started threatening them, the gang then took out their weapons and before Ignacio could react he was surrounded by the gang and he was now the one being threatened by the gang, the gang said it was a huge mistake that they have made but that it's already done and there is nothing to do about it. The gang let him go and Ignacio went back home with Jose for the night, they both had nightmares and we're scared, the neighbors decided to make a funeral the following day but Jose and ignacio had to meet with the soccer agent in the afternoon so the funeral took place in the morning, at the end of the funeral a neighbor of Jose gave him a necklace which belonged to his father and the necklace said "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them", Jose put the necklace on and felt a wave of memories flowing through his mind, washing out all the hate and confusion this life has given him.

Jose and Ignacio met with the soccer agent in the afternoon and they were talking about Chivas tryouts for today so they accepted, at tryouts Ignacio wasn't playing good as usual because he was too worried about the gang, Jose was playing a lot more better than usual and impressed the Chivas coach and the manager, Jose felt free while playing soccer with his father's necklace and the Chivas coach could see the love of the game in his eyes and decided to give him a contract. Ignacio had already left tryouts to face off the gang again, he just couldn't live with the fact that his parents were dead so he decided to go shoot a gang member who killed his parents, the other gang members reacted quickly and killed Ignacio, the gang members were arrested by the cops.

As soon as Jose found out his brother was killed he started crying and prayed to God very heavily, Jose got the spot on Chivas and over the time played good and was named the best footballer of Mexico, Jose looked down at his father's necklace during a world cup final game playing for Mexico, then he took a look up to the sky, the whistle blew and he had to take a penalty and so he shot.

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