I love you. Arthur

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A/N wow I suck at updating I'm so sorry <3

Merlins pov
Dear Merlin,
I read
It's been weeks since I've seen you and I miss you so much. I miss everything about you. I miss feeling trusted and loved, I just wish there was a way for you to be here, with me.
My eyes start tearing up.
Then I remember, I'm not supposed to want that. And then I remember why. I'm not supposed to want you because it's dangerous and tiring and people die out here. People get hurt. And you can't. Even though I'm not supposed to wish you to be with me, I can't help it. You're the reason I keep going, keep fighting, I'm going to get back to you.
I love you.
~Arthur Pendragon
I read it over and over and over again. By now I've memorized every bit, Every swoop of his hand writing.
I find my self mulling about in his room, tracing the out line of his embroidered pillows, and waiting for the day he finally comes home.
I spend my time with Gwen, Gaius, collecting roots and herbs, but most of the time it just reminds me of Arthur and how he couldn't tell a wolfbane plant from a hickory nut.
I do my work, everything normally, but I always keep the parchment paper with me

Sorry it's short

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