1st December

93 4 5


I'm so excited. Last week I took place in a lottery in which I won a meet and greet with the best striker there is right now. At least that's what I think.

Right now I'm sitting in a train which will take me to Munich. Ever since I found out that I won, I couldn't stop talking about him 24/7 to my friends.

It's pretty abnormal for a girl to like football. Sure there are many who say that they like football but in fact they only like the guys playing it.

But I'm not like that, I literally watch every single match, especially all the Bayern Munich ones, since I love this team.

All my friends find it annoying whenever I'm talking about football, but I needed someone to talk about it. I just feel like I'm going to burst out of happiness otherwise.

I can't even talk about it in my family since my brothers and my father are all Dortmund fans. Sure I think you kind of have to be when you are living in Dortmund, but I guess something went wrong with me.

Joking. But it's true that I'm the only Bayern fan back home in Dortmund. "Next stop: Munich."

Oh god, I'm really going to meet my idol. I'm one of the few people who didn't hate on him when he transferred from Dortmund to Bayern. I mean it's his decision and not ours.

Just last week he made a new record. He scored five goals. Five! And that just in 9 minutes. Unbelievable. And now I'm allowed to meet him.

After finally arriving in Munich I make my way to the Allianz Arena. Luckily the railway station isn't that far away from the stadium, so I can go there by foot.

First I'm able to watch the training session and afterwards he will meet with me and I can ask him everything I have always wanted.


"Hey, are you Nicole?" I quickly stand up and shake his hand which he is holding out to me. "Yes, nice to finally meet you." He shows me his fabulous smile.

"Nice to meet you too. Would you mind going inside? It's a little bit cold out here." I certainly don't mind. I mean who would say no to seeing the inside of Bayern Munich's training centre.

I follow him and I can't believe that I just shook my idol's hand and that I'm going to spend the next hour with him.

We sit down in a room which looks like a kitchen and I guess it is since Franck and David are sitting at one of the tables eating what looks like fish with vegetables and there is a kitchen on the other side.

We sit down at the table right next to the window so I can see over all of the training fields. It's quiet because I'm too nervous to ask him anything.

"So how about you tell me something about yourself first." I look at him shocked that he talks to me and then even wants to know something about me.

"What? Don't look at me like a deer caught in a car light." I laugh since he sounds so funny talking German.

Even though he has been in Germany for a long time already, he still has an accent left. "You know, I would be nervous meeting my idol too. So I don't want to come out rude, but you aren't from Germany, are you?" I laugh.

"No, I'm actually from Poland too." We both are laughing. "Well, now that the ice is broken, I think. Do you have any questions you want to ask me?"

Sure, I do have one but I don't think I can. I'm just so nervous. "What are you doing to this poor girl, over there? She looks like you are going to kill her any minute."

David suddenly shouts from the other end of the room. I look up and see both Franck and David smiling at me.

As they see me looking at them they come over and sit down on the either sides of me. "Look, he is a normal guy too. What do you want to know about him?"

This is all too funny. I won a meet and greet with my idol and now I'm sitting between David and Franck.

"Well see, do you want to know which brand of underwear he is wearing right now, because I don't know, I'm sorry." Suddenly Franck coughs slightly.

"Well but I do, I just saw it in the changing room. He is wearing white boxer shorts from Calvin Klein." I blush immediately. I never thought of asking him that and as I look up he is blushing too.

"Guys, do you really need to do this right now?" The guys sitting next to me laugh and quickly stand up.

"Sorry, we will let you be for now." With that they leave again and I'm finally able to ask him what I wanted to from the very beginning.

"So what I really wanted to know is, how do you feel when everyone is always asking why you are playing with the Polish national team instead of the German one whenever you are playing a qualifying match?"

He laughs wholeheartedly.

"I don't know, it's really funny, because I don't know why they always think that I'm from Germany.

But I guess it's because I have played for Dortmund for such a long time and now I'm playing for Bayern Munich.

Still, I'm proud to say that I'm from Poland and I feel very honoured to play for the Polish national team every time I'm wearing the jersey."

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