8th December

23 2 0


Today is my first day in Munich. I'm excited but also tired. Just yesterday I flew over to Germany from Chile after winning the Copa America there.

I'm sad because I didn't get to spend much time at home and especially with my family. Luckily Germany isn't that far away from Italy, where I spent my last few years playing for Juventus.

Last year has been right, we won the league and I won the Copa America together with the national team. But sadly we didn't win the Champions League.

And I know I did play for Juventus by this time, but Barca is just the best team and I'm happy that I get the chance to play with Claudio Bravo in the national team.

But just like everything you enjoy, Copa America has gone by too fast, now I will fully concentrate on my new team: Bayern Munich.

It's great to play with some world cup champions. And I heard that Pep Guardiola is not only a great coach but a great person too, I'm excited.


All the staff greets me friendly as if I have been there for years, but I stop standing in front of the changing room.

I'm afraid that the other players won't like me. What if they think I'm arrogant or stupid? Maybe I will be the one who doesn't like them.

I'm just so nervous. I have always been like that whenever I met new people, but usually it would end well.

Let's just hope it will be the same this time. I open the door with a shaking hand, but my nervousness is completely unnecessary.

As soon as I enter the room Philipp Lahm, the captain of the team, comes to greet me. We shake hands afterwards all the other players follow.

"Hey nice to meet you all." I do speak a little bit English since I have played for Bayer Leverkusen before.


The training session was great but now I'm happy when I can finally go back home, I mean drive to the hotel I'm staying at right now. "Hey, do you want to go out eat something with us?" I guess my plans just changed.

Even though I would love to nothing but fall into my bed right this moment, I don't want to waste this opportunity to get to know my teammates better.

"Sure." I shrug my shoulders and follow them to the lunch room they have here in the training centre. I absolutely love Munich and that on my first day here.

"So how was your time in Chile?" "Short, but amazing. Even though I spent most of the time with the national team playing for Copa America, I loved being back there."

Everyone nods. Thiago Alcantara is sitting next to me, we have hit it off right away, especially since we are both speaking Spanish.

"So is your family with you already?" He asks me as everyone is talking in their own little groups.

"No Maria, my wife, and my two children Alonso and Elisabetta are still in Chile spending time with our family. They will move here in a month till then I hope I have already found a nice house or apartment and most important a great school for the kids."

He smiles kindly at me.

"Well you know the house next to mine is out for sale, maybe you can come over and look at it one day if you want to that is." We agree and I thank him for the tip.

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