I Love You More Than I Can Ever Scream

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Hi guys, so I decided to end here... I hope you all enjoy then ending, please tell me if its okay. Bye now, my little Batling Army.

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Ashley's P.O.V:

I can't believe where the time has gone. Five months ago Andy ran from our wedding all because of a boy called Josh decided it would be fun to crash it. Five months ago I had my heart ripped out and left on the floor as I thought I would never be allowed to love my Andy again. But now, now I can wake up every morning with Andy by my side, I get to see his bright blue eyes everyday and feel his soft lips pressed against mine. Nothing could be more perfect. Not after today. From this day on my life will be simply perfection.

I looked down at dear Andy, asleep beside me with his head on my chest and his arm across my waist. His deep, black hair ruffled from sleep, and his skin pale against my own. I kissed him softly on his head before sliding out from beneath him and standing up. Grabbing a fresh pair of boxers I pulled on my clothes from the day before and left the room. We were in Kentucky, staying with his parents for a week because he hasn't seen them for ages. I make my way to the kitchen, scrawling a little note saying: “Can't wait to see you later, but for now... well, look in the bag, babe x” and then placed it by a little paper Batman bag that was sitting on the counter. Satisfied that I was fine to go, I picked up my phone, telling my Grandma that I would be with her in about 2 hours. It was only half past six A.M. now, but I have to get out of the place before Andy wakes up else it could ruin everything.

Skipping down the stairs and out, onto the street, I hum Bleed by Hot Chelle Rae quietly to myself. It's such a beautiful song. As soon as I have jumped onto my motorcycle I turn on the engine and drive off to be with my grandma, wondering how many people I would be waking up by the loud throbbing of the engine. At least with a car its quiet...to quiet. I need to noise of a motorbike; its the sexiest nose you could ever find, in my mind...well, apart from Andy's voice. The early morning air whipped though my hair, good job I haven't styled it yet.

It took a while to get there but that was okay because thoughts of Andy distracted my mind from its tedious task for half of it. I couldn't wait to be in his arms once again, but first, I would have to stay with Grandma for today. Jumping off the motorbike, I walked up to her door, knocking politely as fear and excitement stepped in for today. The door was opened widely, to reveal her offering a welcoming smile and loving embrace.

“Come on dear, let's get you something warm.” she said, pulling back from the hug and walking off, into the kitchen with me following behind. A smile spread even further across my face as she made me a coffee; she always had a way of relaxing me and calming me down. Hugging the warm cup of coffee close to my chest, we make our way into the living room where we sit on a plus sofa, the TV showing the Jerry Springer show; even though I love being with Andy I do miss spending time with my family, and I know he feels the same way. A strong pang of emotion swells within my chest almost as though my heart swells up with the thoughts of him and his love. Looking up at the clock to see it was already 10am, I must have taken longer to get here than I thought, I thought about Andy and what he would be doing right now, although I already knew; he would be with the guys, chilling out and getting ready.

“Grandma, we're going to have to set off about 4pm aren't we?” I ask, unsure of how long it would take to get back to Andy's parents'.

“Yeah, it'll be around then, so just relax, Ash, we'll get you all sorted out about 3, okay?” she said, a smile playing at her thinning lips and her eyes shining as bright as ever. I nodded thoughtfully, and tried to rest, but my mind constantly flipped back to Andy. Man, I love him and wish I could be with him but I know that would ruin the whole tradition. Just stay calm, Ashley, you will be able to see him soon.

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