Bar Taco

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    "Ahhhhh!" Dayna cried. "Why are we at Bar Taco? I hate this place!" Dayna, Leila, Anna, Tiare, and Aja were locked in Bar Taco's celler, where Ellie, Carly, and Savannah had hidden them. "Hey, Dayna! Where is Sparky?" Leila added. Dayna looked around dramatically. "What the dognapper? Sparky's gone!" Dayna cried. Dayna broke out into tears while Anna comforted her. "There has got to be a way out!" Aja patted the walls for a secret exit. Then she pushed a button and a cage came out from the wall. Inside the cage was Sparky, dead! "Sparky!" Dayna cried! She ran over to his dead body and sobbed. Then barking can from the other side of the wall. Tiare ran over there and pushed a brick. A cage can out with alive Sparky in it. "Dayna! Sparky is alive over here!" Tiare shouted to Dayna. "What is going on?" Anna asked out loud. "Glad you asked!" said a voice in the shadows . The girls got in their positions. "My, my. What have we here?" Ellie, Carly, Myka, Avery, and Savannah stepped out. "The 'dead' Sparky was a decoy. The real Sparky is alive and well." Savannah said stepping out. "But you won't be in a minute."

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