Michael meets your friends

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So, the time had come when your friends asked desperately to meet your boyfriend Michael. "Pleaseeee y/n!" Begged y/bf/n as you sat on her bedroom floor gossiping. "I don't understand why you're so desperate to meet him? He can be pretty shy around new people too" you tried to explain reluctant for the dreaded meeting to occur. "Because..." she started, "he's an older mystery guy who's in a band?! Does it get more exciting? Plus you've been going out for 3 months it's about time!". You sighed, there was not way of getting around y/bf/n. "Fine, I'll ask him tonight!".

*that evening at Michael's house*

You and Michael were sprawled over his bed, both laying on your backs. Michael's hand rested on your stomach drawing lazy circles under your top. "Babe?" You asked cautiously. "Yeah kitten?" He replied a little sleepily. "Urm, well, my friends were wondering when they can meet you?" He sat up a little and leaned on his elbow to look at you. "Well, I guess whenever but I'm actually pretty nervous. I'm not really like them?" You looked into his beautiful green eyes and smiled. "Aww babe! Trust me, they'll love you okay? You're not like them but that's why I love you. How about next Saturday?" You reached up to kiss him and relaxed again as he lowered you down and began to straddle you leaving soft, gentle kisses down your neck.

*the next Saturday when Mikey meets your friends*

Michael opens the car door for you and you hop out. You've parked in front of y/bf's house for a gathering with all your friends and their boyfriends. It should be a good night just so long as the first meeting goes well. You look up at Michael, squeeze his hand and whisper a quick "don't worry babe, you'll be fine!" Before gently pecking his cheek and walking towards the front door. One of your friends opens the door with a cheery and slightly tipsy "hiya y/n!" As she pulls you in for a tight hug. "Oh my gosh you must be the allusive Michael?! Wow I love your hair it's awesome" she says pulling him in for an equally bone crushing hug, taking him by surprise a little. You three walk into the living room to see the rest of your friends. "Hey guys! This is my boyfriend Michael" you say slightly awkwardly before slipping out from his arm around your waist to hug your best friend. You all sit down and immediately you both relax. So the initial meeting went fine, we've just got to make it through some awkward conversations now. "So Michael, what do you do? I know your 19, so do you like have a job or what?" Asked one of your ridiculously nosey friends. "Haha, umm yeah I'm actually in a band. We're doing really well actually" you smile back at him proudly. "Yeah Michael's band is really awesome! Maybe we should all go to one of his gigs some time?". The night goes really well and you and Michael leave at about 12:30am a little tipsy but feeling relieved. Because it's so late you decide to go back to Michael's for the night. "Kitten that actually went to well! Thanks for introducing to your friends they seem really nice" he says as he opens the door after wrestling with the key in the lock for a little while. You giggle when he finally unlocks the door and enters. You drop your stuff at the bottom of the stairs and lean up to Michael for another kiss, you always get flirty when you're drunk. You push him a little bit so he's leant against the front door while you stand on your tip toes to kiss him deeply. He moans a little into the kiss and breaks away quickly to say "babe, should we take this upstairs?" You nod and run up the stairs while a turned on Michael follows you closely behind.

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