Killing Me From Sleep Deprivation

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1 Nothing wrong with me
2 Nothing wrong with me
3 Nothing wrong with me
4 Nothing wrong with me
1 Something's got to give
2 Something's got to give
3 Something's got to give

I heard my ringtone blast from across the room signalling i was being called. I groaned and rolled over, grabbing my phone and hitting the answer button.

"Hello?" My voice was cracky and deeper than normal so I cleared my throat and spoke again "Hello?" There was the sound of a deep laughing on the other end. So I guessed it was male because it wasn't feminine at all and hell. I don't have female "friends".
"Dont you sound seductive in the morning" I groaned god dammit Johnathan.
"Johnathan. You knew I was fucking sleeping. You always do this"
"I have no clue what your talking about my dear" I swear I could hear the "innocent" look on his face.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about. What is it? 8 am? Yeah. Right on the dot. Your fucking worse than an alarm clock on the WEEKEND. Like. Do you hate me or something? Do you want to kill me because of my sleep deprivation?"
"Oh shut up miss dramatic. I'm your best fucking friend and becccaaauuseee i only get to see you Every weekend and this weekend last for 20 days and we are going to Warped Tour, a haunted house, shopping, to bars. Like. Damn boo. I ain't gunna kill you by wanting to ACTUALLY get time to hang out with you"
Yep. That's my gay best friend for you. Fucking Johnathan.
"OHHHH! And I am going to get you a boyfriend by this Halloween so your not a loner annnndd so you don't cling to me at all the parties and so you have someone else to 'Netflix and Chill' with"
Great. Not only was i woken up at 8 am on a SATURDAY but, I have to look presentable so I can "get a boyfriend"
"But I'd rather 'Netflix and Chill' you than some fucking guy only wanting me for my virginity" I batted my eyelashes and giggled as he scoffed from the other end
"Yes. I know miss 'i am saving it until marriage' Ya smarty pants. Now. Get up. Go shower, get dressed nice, do your hair and makeup, and get your ass down here before 2! And do NOT go back to sleep. I have a busy 20 days" I groaned
"okay. Okay. Whatever. I'll be down soon. But don't EVER wake me up at 8 am while I'm at your house. Okay? Okay."
"Okaaayyy." He groaned "BYEEE. Love Ya. See Ya soon"
"byeee" I giggled and hung up, getting up and climbing out of bed, grabbing an outfit and going to the bathroom. I showered and everything within 10 minutes.
I placed my phone on the docking station of my stereo and started blasting Dirty Little Secrets by The All-American Rejects. I sang along and damces around a bit as i started blow drying my hair.
I was wearing my Corpse Bride shirt. It had "With this hand i will lift your sorrows. Your cup Will never empty for i will be your wine" Quoted on the front on Emily's wedding dress and on the back "With this candle i will lift your sorrows. With this ring i ask you to be mine" Quoted on the back in Blood red writing on Victor's tuxedo. I had on black skinny jeans with rips all Up and down them. I had on black converse All-star hightops with the white toe and bottom. Once I finished blow drying my hair I plugged in my straightener and turned it on, letting it heat up as I put a bandana on, pulling my hair back so I can start doing my makeup. And blah blah blah.
Yeah. Makeup makes you look fake but hey. I'm just using it to accentuate myself. Plus. Johnathan told me to put on makeup. So I did a smokey eye with Browns and a cat eye with fake eyelashes and red lipstick.

I did all my makeup and hair. My bangs shorter and "scene-looking" because they weren't "normal".
I unplugged my phone and looked at myself in the mirror. I swear. I look like a tumblr model today.

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