Host (Mad Clown)

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You were rushing throw the busy streets of Seoul, carefully avoiding the slow citizens, strolling around you. Everyone was out in the city tonight, because of the Hiphop festival that just ended a few hours ago. That only indicated how late you actually were for your job.

You were a host hired by Just Music to welcome guests to their private party being held in one of the biggest hotels in the city. Swings always wanted to show off to his fellow rapper friends, and liked to throw these extravagant after parties, which you had to organize all by yourself eventually.

"(Y/n) !" Shouted CJamm, one of the rappers under Just Music, as you neatened yourself and checked the guestlist.

"Are the girls here yet? The drinks? Oh my God I think I'm going to go insane" You muttered, as you scanned the room.

"Hey chillout, some models arrived earlier, the bar is fully stocked and were about to have a good time" he laughed, as he went to join some of his friends in the corner of the room.

You ran your fingers through your wavy hair as the guests began to pour in, most of them already probably way too tipsy to be heading over to the bar. You handed the bouncer the guest list and stood towards the back of room, making sure to not draw any attention to yourself. Its not like you had to, since most of the rappers were gawking over the very beautiful supermodels that graced the room.

You checked your phone countless times, just to make yourself look busy, when a shadow cast over you, causing you to glance up.

He was absolutely gorgeous. His face was innocent and his eyes sparkled in the dim lights of the room. He was unlike any of the people in this room, and his eyes only focused on yours.

"Hello there" he chimed, his lips curling into a smile as he watched you shuffle nervously in front of him.

"Uh hi" you managed to choke up.

"I'm Mad Clown, or Dongrim....whatever you prefer" he smiled again, and stood against the wall next to you.

"...(y/n)" you bit your lip as you watched him nod and smile to the loud music.

"Why are you hiding back here (y/n) ? Are you not enjoying the party ?"

"Well I'm in charge of this party so I can't enjoy myself right now" you sighed in reply, going back to your phone to avoid contact with this handsome rapper.

"Ah you're the host??? Wow, only Swings can hire an extremely beautiful girl as an employee" His eyes were back on yours now, it was almost hypnotizing.

You let out a chuckle and tried to hide your now reddened face from his view. His boyish charm kept you drawn in though, you liked the attention you were getting from him.
"Its nice to see a smart beautiful girl, who is not throwing herself on every guy in the room" he grinned.

"I specifically invited these girls, do you not like any of them ? I got the most beautiful girls in Seoul" you frowned, watching as the other rappers drooled over the girls.

Mad Clown giggled and turned to face you, placing his hands on either side of you. "I'm talking to the most beautiful girl in the room right now. Why would I look at any other?"

You swallowed hard as you smelt his cologne around you. You felt your face heat up as he lightly brushed your cheek with his fingers, and pushed the loose strands of hair behind your ear.

"I'm going to make this job of yours worthwhile. I think the host should have a little fun too." He said into your ear, as he slowly brought his lips to yours. You shut your eyes as you let him guide you into the kiss, allowing your arms to wrap around his neck. Mad Clown smirked into the kiss as you gave him access to your mouth, allowing him to explore every crevice with his tongue.

He pressed you up against the wall, not breaking the heated kiss, and allowed his arms to roam your body freely, his touch sending shivers down your spine. When the two of you finally took a breather, Mad Clown bit his lip and pecked you softly on your cheek.

"This party was so worth my time." He grinned, and handed you a piece of paper with his number on it.

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