Chapter Twelve

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[A/N] - I'm sorry for mixing up Aaliyah's surname. It's Catherine, not Carrington.

Chapter Twelve

For once in a very long time, I decided to go to school. All of my absences have been excused. When I walked through the school's doors, my felt fell. Posters of Aaliyah and Ethan holding hands in wedding attire was on the walls.

I couldn't believe it.

Once someone read it, their eyes scanned the hallways and then spotted me. They gasped and walked away. I know just exactly what'll happen from this point forward. Ethan will have to ignore me.

Pretend I'm not even there.

But no, I won't cry for this. Crying is a weakness that always gets to me. I sighed and walked to my first period class.

It was hot.

Rumors upon rumors spread through the hallways like wildfire.

'Did you hear about the wedding? I heard Ethan's parents were going to make Aaliyah rich if she married him.'

'I heard Aaliyah proposed to Ethan.'

'Nah, that's wrong. Ethan was cheating on Alexis with Aaliyah and then proposed to her.'

Then, all eyes turned to me.

"Alexis, you look pale."

I ignored them and finally the teacher came into the classroom.

"Alright everyone, calm down!"

Everyone became quiet and he went up to the board.

"Firstly, I would like to congratulate Ethan and Aaliyah in their marriage, though engagement usually comes first."

Everyone laughed and clapped. Everyone, but me. It upsets me that Ethan's parents, no, his dad... has Su much power and uses it to his advantage. I remember when Ethan told me I didn't know the power his dad have, but now I understand completely.

To him, a life means nothing. Now he's marrying his son off and will make him pursue the family's 'business' when he die. I mean, how fucked up is that?

When I woke up this morning, I thought maybe this would be a good day. But I regret coming to school now. This used to be my dream high school, but I hate it now. I regret my past choices, I regret choosing Jeremy over Ethan.

Things happen for a reason, don't they? I smiled and clapped for them too.

One Week Later

Everyone came to school in either a short dress or a suit. I even decided to go to the wedding, I mean, the whole school was invited. Ethan and Aaliyah didn't show up, and I never heard anything from them in about a week.

The theme and red and black. Knowing Ethan's parents, they won't open their doors to anyone who isn't wearing those colors.

"Are you okay?" asked Jared.

"Honestly, I'm not." I replied.

He hugged me to his chest. I didn't react any type of way. This would've happened anyway, so why not accept my brother's embrace.

"Thanks, Jared." I mumbled.

"Don't worry, you can cry if you want."

Chuckling, I shook my head.

"It's not that serious."

Jared nodded and smiled.

"I'll drive you."

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