Her<3 a fan fiction by:aye_zayn_malik

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The next morning, "HARRY GET YOUR GHETTO ASS UP FOR SCHOOL YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Louis yelled at me "Wow what a morning call lou" i told him and he gave me a grin. Well i was getting ready curling up my hair v neck shape tee shirt with my skinny jeans with white star converse and also my special black glasses like the one that the guy name edward cullen in twilight wore. well louis made me pancakes with a smile syurp on it with sausage. "thanks lou" "welcome harry" so i told louis and the other boys bye well they do go to school just not the same as me. Well got my huge text books in my backpack and walking to my black car. I had a text message it was from josh.

Josh: well good morning you little bitch haha jk jk ;-D well news a new girl came idk if she was cute or not didnt have time to check her out.

To Josh: well good morning to you and oh ya do you know her name?

Josh: no but i heard she's in our bio class so hurry up and get your ass over here!! ;-P

well finally, i arrived at school i saw josh waiting by the door "oh hey ready to go to bio class" josh told me pretending "oh ya i am"

Ring Ring Ring

me and josh went to bio class suddenly, Mr.Carter yelled at me and josh "harry and josh take a seat" then, he told us "hey class we have a new student her name is Marissa she is new to the class and give her a big welcome when you get a chance." harry whispered to josh "omg look how beautiful she is her name her hair her everything" Then, Mr.carter yelled "harry no talking!" harry sat there being like a bad boy.

To josh: i'm going to welcome her and hang out with her get to know her

josh: yes you should she is cute but have a gf ;-)

to josh: stfu lol well talking to her after class the next period ok"

josh:ok filrty shithead haha;-)

to josh: gtg Mr. carter keeping an eye at us

josh: ok bye bye

suddenly, Niall text me

Niall:hey how's class

to Niall:oh good and i there's a new girl in our class name Marissa but gtg Mr.carter having the teacher look at me love ya brother lol

niall: ok bye same


i hope you like this story but i know the first part is boring but vote and read on


Her&lt;3 a fan fiction by: kiara warnkeWhere stories live. Discover now