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Raegan finished her first year of college before she officially decided college wasn't for her. She wanted to quit school and she would figure out what to do soon afterwards. That first year had been getting to be too much for her and she barely survived. She passed all her classes but her grades hadn't been that great.

When she was sure she wasn't going to be coming back to the campus for the next semester—a few days before her first year was over—Raegan decided to call Calum and tell him. She knew her mother wasn't going to be happy about her quitting school but Raegan was old enough to decide things for herself now, with her mother's approval or not.

It was scary at first. Raegan wasn't a hundred percent sure what she would do if she wasn't in college but she couldn't stand being in that stupid campus anymore. She wanted out.

Calum was confused when Raegan first told him, she had mentioned it a few times before so he thought she was joking again but once he realized Raegan was being serious, he supported her. Raegan really loved that about Calum. She knew he didn't fully understand why she had made her decision but he always supported her nonetheless. She was grateful Calum was trying to understand because she knew what was going to come once she told her mother and father—mostly her mother.

Just thinking about her mother's reaction almost made Raegan change her mind. She knew they would have an enormous argument and her mother wouldn't speak to her for a few days. She knew that was coming and some days she almost decided to remain enrolled just to avoid dealing with her mother.

But Raegan really hated college—even more than arguing with her mother. So after finally telling her mother, after having the huge argument, after her mother refusing to speak with Raegan and after she finally came around and accepted Raegan's decision, Raegan was ready to leave the campus for good.

Her last day, Raegan spent most of the time with Mallory and some other friends she had made. She had packed some things but needed to finish the rest once she got back to her dorm. Raegan had told Calum to come and pick her up once she finished packing everything up—in around two hours.

Two hours later, Calum arrived at his girlfriend's dorm room, sending her a quick text that he was already there. He knocked on the door once he got there and heard Raegan's voice tell him that it was already open.

When he entered, he saw the exact opposite of what he thought he would see when he got there. Raegan was on her bed with her head on her pillow facing the wall and the room was a scattered mess. He was expecting to see closed boxes stacked on top of each other, not her clothes and things thrown all over the floor.

Calum was incredibly confused by all this. It didn't even seem like Raegan had packed anything at all. What had she been doing for the past two hours?

"Baby?" Calum said, moving closer to the bed. Raegan turned over and he could now see she had tear stains on her cheeks. She looked sad and worried. "What happened?" He sat down, pulling her to sit up. "I thought you were going to pack?"

Raegan sniffled a bit and Calum brushed her cheeks clean of tears using his thumb. He felt himself getting upset just by seeing how sad Raegan looked. It killed him to see her that way. Raegan was usually a happy person so he was thankful he rarely ever got to see her this sad. That just meant the times he did see her so sad, were so much worse.

"What if I'm making a mistake?" Raegan finally asked, her voice shaky and her bottom lip trembling. "I don't have any idea what I'm going to do."

Raegan was trying really hard not to start crying again. She had let herself go before because she had been alone but now that Calum was here she didn't want to cry again. She hated crying in front of Calum.

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