Prologue - Destined

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It was raining ferociously. Holes filled with rainwater covered the vast grounds, some much deeper than they appeared. It made every step taken a cautionary one. Normally droplets here and there would have danced underneath the moonlit night; however this night, these conditions made certain that my journey would not get any easier. I could smell the crisp freshness of the autumn night as my eyes locked on the large cloud of mist that swirled with rage, slowly approaching and blocking my view. Any normal human wouldn’t have been able to see any more than 20 meters ahead of them, but then again I wasn’t exactly normal.

Sometimes, I couldn’t help but wonder whether there really was such a thing as God somewhere out there or if it was nothing more than just another fable waiting to be exposed. God surely wouldn’t have entrusted humans with this amount of power. Power that led to numerous wars, uncountable deaths, so many families torn apart mercilessly and many futures shattered into pieces…, all because of that God-given power.

Despite knowing right from wrong, it wasn’t easy to control the power. The urge that arose from within was in fact amazing as well as mind-numbing. Knowing all of the world’s strength might not be enough to control that influence; the energy that rushed through your veins with every battle…every kill, was a scary thought.

There were moments when I thought about giving up; joining a group of bandits somewhere and living life by raiding defenseless villages, getting what little pleasure there was by raping women and drinking to the point of unconsciousness. But I couldn’t go through with it seeing as she always came into my mind, reminding me of the promise; reminding me of why I was enduring those hardships…why I simply could not give up. She reminded me of my destiny.

I looked ahead and suddenly a dainty light came into view; pale and yellowish, weak but reassuring with some strange warmth emanating from it. It almost felt like a convivial house with a certain appealing smell arising in the distance.

My mother’s soft laughter came into my mind but I abruptly pushed it aside, reminding myself this was not the time to be thinking of such things. It would only distract me. Something I could not risk at the moment.

Soon enough the source of the light came into view as well. It was brownish-gray with a huge section that was clearly used for a purpose other than living as it was much taller and wider than the rest of the house.

There were two windows in the front, both shut due to the storm. The whole structure was made of cement and wood; a scrawny combination. Unappealing to look at, but it served its purpose.

I looked to the right and as I assumed, the small wooden sign read “Blacksmith Ahead”.

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