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Lauren sat in the back of the jeep, fumbling with the metal cuffs around her wrists. A tall blonde girl sat beside her with a stern gaze and a gun in her arms.

The green eyed girl glanced over at the girl beside her. She casually looked down at her fingers and spoke. "Should I get my nails painted? Maybe, I don't know, black? Or a sky blue? Yeah, that'd be really pretty."

The driver, of course, was aggravated by the talking hostage. "You. Shut up."

Lauren glanced in front of her and scooted up in her chair to talk over the roaring engine of the car. But she wasn't able to get out a single word before the tall girl pushed her back in her chair and put a pistol to her forehead. "Move, I dare you to."

"If you say so." So Lauren did a very weird and awkward dance in her seat. The girl sitting next to her put her pistol down and stared at her in disbelief. It was obvious Lauren wasn't a big threat. Yet.

"Answer me already." she whined, "I really don't know what color I should paint my nails. This is a big crisis here."

"You're not getting any special treatment wherever you're going." The dark skinned girl spat.

Lauren frowned. "What's her problem?" she tilted her head and looked at the other guard.

The blonde didn't answer and stared straight ahead.

"Yeesh. Tough crowd." Lauren muttered.

Moments later, the green eyed girl asked for their names. But of course, they didn't answer. Dinah and Normani, would obviously be punished for breaking a rule. They weren't allowed to give their names out, cause' if they did, their lives may or may not be in danger. They had to keep this operation under wraps.

The silence was killing Lauren. She wanted action, fun, a thrilling rush through her veins. But there's nothing she could do. Not yet anyways. She was waiting for the perfect opportunity.

Patience is the key, right?

And that opportunity came. A loud pop could be heard and then the jeep slowed down. Normani punched the steering wheel, got out of the vehicle and slammed the door shut.

Lauren could see the frustration on the girls face and tilted her head with a smile. Serves her right. Dinah sighed and rolled her eyes. Sure the blonde was a rookie and just had been recruited, but she acted like she was the captain instead of Normani. While the dark skinned girl was dubbed as the boss of Dinah last week, she might as well be an amateur.

Dinah tugged on the green eyed girls jacket and dragged her out of the jeep. "C'mon, you're coming with me." Lauren gladly obliged and skipped out of the vehicle with a smile.

"Fresh air." she grinned.

"So what's wrong?" Dinah asked Normani.

The driver sighed and stood up. "Wheel popped. We have a flat tire." she rolled her eyes and looked around her surroundings. "Okay, D. Go get the tire from the trunk. We're losing time. Can't have boss yelling at us for being late, again."

The blonde huffed and pouted while walking behind the car. "Wasn't my fault. You were the one flirting it up with the hostage." she muttered.

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