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a/n: lmao i didn't spell check my last chapter so im sorry for mistakes. this girl is lazy asf

"Black hair, ripped jeans, green eyes. She has a widow peak. Ring a bell?" the man said automatically.

Ally was confused. She hasn't encountered anybody that looked like that. But Camila has. Just a few hours ago.

The Cuban looked at him straight in the eye. "No."

She didn't know what came over her. She just lied to someone that has the ability to shoot her in the head at any given moment.

The man squinted his eyes and asked again. "Black hair, ripped jeans, green eyes. She has a widow peak. Ring a bell?" he asked more forcefully.

The way he spoke sent shivers down Camila's spine and she knew that she couldn't lie again.

She sat there, pretending to remember the many faces she saw today. But in reality. She only saw three. This Lauren girl, Beyoncé, and Vero. If that's were actually their names.

As if on cue, the radio on his belt went off.

"Agent 14 and 32 are missing. Their black jeep is off the radar. License plate number is BHB525. I repeat," the radio repeated and the man shook his head.

"Shouldn't have lied."

In one swift move, they used their guns and knocked the two girls out.


Camila woke up in the dark. She tried to rub her eyes, but only came to the conclusion that her hands were tied behind her back.

Her surroundings were moving. Wherever they were, Camila didn't feel sure about this whole entire thing. "Am I in a car?" she murmured.

"More like a van." a voice said.

Camila snapped her head towards the direction of the voice.

"Ally?" Her voice was shaky. The brunette was never very fond of the dark.

The older girl muttered out a 'yeah'. Camila said, "Are you okay?"

Ally whined out. "I have a huge headache. Oh my God."

Camila laughed. "Hold on, I think I have my knife in my boot." The younger girl shifted around and tried to grab her boot. Once she did, she pulled it off. There was a light 'clink'. Camila shuffled around and tried to find it before she laid her hand on the cold metal.

"Got it." Camila muttered.

After the brunette successfully cut the restrictions off her wrists, she put her boot back on and tried to find the smaller girl.

"Okay, Ally. Where the hell are ya?"

"Over here." Camila found her, but once she put the small knife on the rope, the van stopped abruptly, causing their heads to slam behind them. They both grunted.

There were murmurs that could be heard from outside the doors. Camila shoved the knife back into her boot and pretended to be unconscious. "Wait, Mila. My wris-"

There was a click, like a door being unlocked. With Camila's and Ally's wrists behind their back, playing the 'dead' card, they laid there.

"Yeah, whatever Mani. We were supposed to be prepared for this mission. Boss is gonna be so pissed."

One of them was about to speak, but you could hear the hesitation in her voice.

"D, are those, bodies?"

escapism // camrenWhere stories live. Discover now