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Ash's P.O.V
This morning I woke up to my 6 brothers shaking me, then all of a sudden I got the wind knocked out of me it was my oldest brother Jake, he plays football yay I'm so happy, not. I'm the second to last child in the family, it goes Jake he is 19 and so is my other brother Parker, Parker and Jake are twins, then it's Luke he is 18, Then it's Noah he is 17, then it's Alex he is 16 and he is my twin brother so it's me Ashlyn and Alex, and then the youngest Max he is, well you probably guessed he is 15.

I finally caught my breath and pushed all of them off of me, yes I have that ability and strength to do so, I play basketball I'm super girly off the court, but I could beat anyone at anytime, and anywhere. As all of my brothers flee out of my room I go into my bathroom and took a quick shower then brushed my teeth, and got dressed. Today I'm wearing a mint green laced dress some knee-high socks and some boots to go with it, I went over to my vanity to brush my hair and put a little makeup on.

I brushed my hair and the only makeup I put on is mascara and some lipstick, I finished putting some lipstick on, then I herd a big thud coming from my brothers Jake and Parkers room, I quickly rushed over to see them wrestling. I stood in the door way until they noticed me, they quickly got up and Jake asked me "you heard that thud?" I rolled my eyes and went downstairs to get something to eat, I opened the fridge and their was nothing, I looked in the cabinets and still nothing, I huffed and took an apple out of the fruit basket on the island.

Today their was no school, I don't know why but their is no school. I didn't know what to do today, so I went on my phone and started reading a book until a notification popped up on the screen and it said "you better get going its your drivers test today!!" A lightbulb went off in my head and I called Alex into my room, all he had was basketball shorts on and when he walked in my room I closed my eyes and asked him "really?" He said "what?" I said to him " you don't have a shirt on, and today is our drivers test" his eyes widened and ran out of my room and I opened my eyes, it stung a bit.

Thank you guys so much for reading my new book, hope you enjoyed it! Make sure to vote and comment!!
-Shelby ✌🏻️

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