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Alex's P.O.V
"Soooooo... Did you pass?" I asked Ash as we stand out side of the D.M.V (I actually remembered the name would ya look at that 😂) waiting for Jake to come pick us up, " I did, how bout you?" She asks " yeah I did too, but it's not as exciting as I thought." She nods her head in agreement. Jake pulls up in the car and Ash says " oh would you look at that someone showed up after I don't know a half an hour." Jake then says "sorry guys I had... Uh... Someone come over" he said nervously, I ask " Uhhh who is this "someone" you speak of?" I see him getting sweaty, then he just blurts out "I HAD A GIRL OVER OK YA HAPPY?!?" Me and Ashes eyes widened and then in sync we both say "AWWWW JAKEY-POO HAD A GIRLY FRIEND OVER!!" He just rolled his eyes and drove home.

Jake's P.O.V
We where sitting on the couch, me and Scarlett, my........uh....... Girlfriend. No one knows about our relation ship witch is good I guess. We where sitting on the couch doing... Stuff then my phone
Buzzes it's a text from Ash she says "where are you we have been waiting for a half an hour!" Then Scarlett looks at Ash's name and says "Who is Ash?!" I say "Uh, she is my sister, I've told you about her, or where you not listening?" She just says "oh" and then I text Ash back saying " I'll be right there just hold on as I tell Scarlett to go I give he a kiss on the cheek (🙂) and go out the door to pick up Ash and Alex
20 mins later
Ash and Alex where standing in frount of the DMV and Ash her arms crossed looking a little annoyed and I thought " oh no hełł is about to break loose" and Ash opened the door followed by Alex and she said "oh would you look at that someone showed up after I don't know a half an hour!" Then I was getting kinda nervous because they where going to ask why I was so late to pick them up so I said " sorry guys I had....... Uh........ Someone come over" and then Alex said " who is this "someone" you speak of?" Even tho I'm the oldest Ash and Alex are so protective of me I like it but sometimes I don't like it. Then I start getting sweaty and swallowed the baseball that was in my throat and I said to myself " just tell them, Dammit!" So I just blurted out " I HAD A GIRL OVER OK?!? YA HAPPY?!?" Then their mouths hung open and looked at each other and said " AWWWWW JAKEY-POO HAD A GIRLY FRIEND OVER!!!!" I just rolled my eyes and started driving, I'm guessing they passed?

Hello everyone how was yo day? Any hoot make sure to vote and comment how yo day was!
-Shelby 🤘🏻

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