Ash's P.O.V
It's Friday, YASSS, so I start off my day with waking up to my alarm clock that was buzzing in my ear, it red 6:00 I smiled and got up out of bed, I looked in all the boys rooms and saw that they where sleeping. And evil grin appeared on my face and I quietly tip-toed down the stair and went into the kitchen, and got out a medal pan and spoon and said to myself, they have no idea what they are in for. So I snuck back upstairs and since our parent wake up at 4:00 and leave at 4:30 I get to me my little evil self, so I ran to my room witch was all the was at the end of the hall of rooms, and ran up and down the hall banging the pot and spoon together.Everyone came out of their room with red eyes and once they saw me it switched around, their pale faces now red and their red eyes now white, I turned around and started running, they didn't catch up to me, and luckily I have this hiding place where they never go and also don't know where it is so here I go, they where far behind me so I hid in the closet and they ran past to the outside so I rushed to my bedroom and locked the door and look out my window. They where all skattered all over the place but the good thing was I counted all 11 of them! Anyway I got dressed and went down to the kitchen and put my things away and locked all he doors haha, I looked outside and saw there were some of them but 2 where gone and I looked in the front yard there they were still looking around it was time to go to school so I unlocked all the doors and just waited.
They came rushing in and started yelling at me all of them and then I pointed to the clock they all gasp and run upstairs. I have my own car now so does everyone else except the people that don't have a license so I rushed to my car and bolted off to school here we go.
Hello friends here is the chapter sorry it was so short any hoot make sure to vote and comment, thanks!
-Shelby 🤘🏻

Blood, sweat, and glitter
RomanceIt's about a girl named Ashly she is super girly, but when she steps foot on the basketball court she is a beast, no one has beat her, until this one boy named john beat her. They started talking and now have known each other for mounths now, not A...