t h r e e

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Jack Gilinsky
Monday, October 17

Hope had begged me for forgiveness before, I don't know what was keeping me from it.

I realize that I can give her all these expensive things, but all she ever wanted was an experiment with me.

I couldn't give it to her, I had swore to myself that I wouldn't forgive her, only because I'd been warned.

The warning was from Jack Johnson, my ex-best friend. He was too close to Hope everyday.

The closer they got, the stronger my jealousy came in. Soon, I just asked Hope out and that's when World War III had just begun in my world.


Jack Gilinsky
Thursday, December 12

I stood confident, staring at Hope. Her blonde hair waved into her face, her icy eyes shining.

She pursed her lips and popped her gum."So," she held out the 'O', "what'd you want?"

I looked down and fumbled with my hands. Hope looked up at me, than clutched my left hand.

"You can tell me what's wrong. I'll trust you. " She'd been asking for more words.

"Do you, Hope Moore, want to date me forever, kiss me forever, and only love me forever? "

Her eyes watered, making my heart freeze. "Yes! " she screamed, swinging her legs around my torso.

She lunged her arms around my neck and held tight. She loosened them than smacked her lips on mine.

She kissed me passionately, me wanting to continue. She hopped down and grabbed my hand.

"I will love you forever, and I promise that nothing, and I mean nothing, will ever get in the way. "


I spun the basketball on my index finger, letting it slide off gently. I heard a slight sound.

A voice, I guess. "Hey, it's Hope. " she said. My eyes hurt. "Come in. " my weak voice sounded.

She came in, her black heels clattering against the tile floor. "Help me. " she stutters, than falling.

Her phone was cracked, her eyes were red, her cheeks were hollowed and discolored.

"He knows where I am Jack, he is out to get me. Please, this once, look me in the eyes and answer."

I look up into her glossy eyes, staring as far as I could go. "Yes. " I say, moving my lips.

She cries. And can I say, it hurt to see the person I hurt sad. And now I know why I loved her.

Her personality. She didn't come to anyone else but me first. "Hope, " I start, "I love you. "


QOTD: Where did the name Hope come from?

AOTD: I actually think I got it from one of chloe's books. Oops.

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