you wanted it you have waited for it
I hope you all like it
I shall post parts to it to label myself down to the sections I work on be grateful (please) that each section is 1 days work I worked har-
Line and Gade were walking down the steps after the football game that they partook in Ariel and Tailia were there as the flag guards (the people who are not actually part of the game at all but stand around marking the place (1st down second down BLAH blah) they get one specially made hotdog and LARGE soft drink and normally end up eating in the face of tired football players) "That was enough to bring me along" Ariel said Tailia was just there because....she is everywhere
(Pats my pocket "hello pocket tailia"
"Pocket tailia: hallo")
Alright back to the story"Man that was a tough game out there you were amazing" gade said to line
"Nah man you were better than me and those guys were huge" line replied to gade after taking Ariel's large soft drink and walking away with it
(Picture of ariels shocked face and screen goes Gray and 2sed4me plays)Ariel's pov
If I didn't get another one for the A teams game he would have die-
(Tailias and Ariels pov engage in mortal combat)
Lines pov:"Ha never gets old" I laugh and gade chuckles also as we stare at each other and run towards the back of the bus
Gades pov (first time)
Everyone knows the back of the buss is the most bumpiest they never confirm it because I'm always there haha me and line talk about funny things making Each other laugh and fending off against the duchebag in front of our seat a fun time you know
(It is so fun making gade say stuff he wouldn't say XD)
Ariels pov:
Haha I beat Tailia
The A team lost again but I noticed unlike the B team the A team had cheerleaders and actually advertising hmmm that's not what line would like to hear I smile to myself with a cute smile that turns into a devilish grin
I soon laugh and look at Tailia who had not even touched her ice cold sodasTHERE IS A S AT THE END OF SODA(sssss)
Tailia ate her hotdog slowly and carefully which caused me to look at my hands which were covered in ketchup and eventually led me to slapping a football player on the head lightly and saying "sorry you got some of your blood on me" which freaked him out "and a excuse to actually move was avoided" no I wasn't lazy but this spot was so(exaggerate) very comferable and I didn't want to move after the A team game we left on the bus and sat at the front with the occasion of a few people hitting on me and Tailia things were fine (I obviously use my ship powers to screw the football players over in weird ways)
Oh whale love hurts
Tailias pov of v and v
When we got off the bus we ran to the front and met up with line and gade talking to a hedgehog (astro) (Astro_Hedgefox ) and when he saw us he left...... roode I thought to myself and we walked towards the guys "sooooooo Halloween is coming up"
Ariel said
(Ariel: no shit I said that XD)
"I love Halloween so much FRIGGEN candy" gade said
"We should go trick or treating" line saidYea after that we all set up a time and place as we reached the block where we all normally split off into seperate neighborhoods to our homes Ariel look stubborn mad faced
Line noticed it also as he said "what's wrong arie-"YOU GUYS ARE DOING IT ALL WRONG!!!
Chaos highschool
FantasyHallow mah friends and strangers welcome to chaos high where fireworks launch math teachers die and there is no homework because our replacement is just that much better just read the book as our friends go through the strangest ....stuff