Chapter 1: Hungover

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The empty bottle spun around and pointed right at me. Great. Just great. "Alright, alright! TRUTH OR DARE?!" Clarrise shouted. Sometimes I don't understand why people have to be so loud all the damn time.

"Ugh, dare then. And please, make it at least half decent." I said. It was Clarrise's birthday and we were drunk as hell. I drank another shot of vodka to keep me going. Underage drinking. Who knew?

"OooOkay. You've never had a boyfriend rigggggght?" I nodded. I do not like where this is going.

"Then... your next boyfriend will have to be the new kid!" I laughed. They're probably gonna be way too drunk to remember this, so just for the heck of it, why not?

"Fine. Watch me then! They'll fall for my good looks and class." Maybe I was more drunk than I thought I was. Clarrise snorted. 

"Promise you will do it?" Clarrise asked.

"Yeah, it's a dare." She won't even remember this. She won't remember this at all. Oh my god what if she remembers this? I rested my head on the sofa, staring at the now blurry lights. What could go wrong?



I sighed as the memory faded away. I knew it, I shouldn't have underestimated Clarrise's memory. What have I gotten myself into? I could easily not have done it, but I'm hellbent in keeping promises. Past experiences.

I stood up but almost fell to the floor because of the wave of nausea that hit me. God I'm such a fucking lightweight.

"Hey Mariaaaa?" I called out.  "Do you have medicine for hangovers or something?" I grabbed onto the bed post, and sat down on my bed. Standing was such a difficult task now.

I waited for a reply.



As much as it pains me to do it, I stood up and looked for Maria. It took me a few seconds before I opened the door to the room.

That's odd. Her room is bare. Maybe she ordered new things or something.

Well I'll worry about that later. Right now, I need a painkiller and some food.

I stood up and slowly walked to the door. As my hand reached for the knob, the door smacked me in the face! I fell on my butt, and my head banged on the floor. Despite it being carpeted due to Maria's insistence, the floor of course felt like a floor. 

"Ahh!" I screamed. " Why can the door can open itself? Damn it door, I thought you were better than that." I muttered to myself. 

"Are you okay?" A voice asked. I looked up. A person. A person opened the door. This piece of shit.

"Clearly not. You just blasted my head into oblivion. I could have died!" I said. He gave me a weird look. "You know, like a concussion and stuff..." I trailed off. I was not in the mood to talk to another person right now.

"Well, uh, sorry? My name is James Austin, by the way. Is this room 483?" He said as he was helping me up. I haven't seen him from around here usually. He had this sort of 'smolder smile' as if it could lessen my anger for him.
It didn't. But he is cute...
Wait what?!

"Sorry, question mark? So you're kinda sorry but you're not that sorry?" I said to hide my hesitation. I cleared my throat "Well do you read Mr. Austin? It clearly says on the door room 483. Maybe you're Jared, 19." I said to hide my hesitation.

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