Just a peek

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Valeriana was anxious, scared, and restless.

She gazed out the window, contemplating on her abilities. She also partly adored the picturesque view of the garden fountain sparkling with the light of the magnificent sunrise. Numerous ideas baffled her mind.

"Can I do it ? "

"Can I tap into his memories and leave him unscathed?"

" What if I see a different memory ? "

" What if I acess those of him bathing or a lot worse"

Valeriana cringed at that thought, as Corvan sat on the couch just a few feet away from her; staring into space.

After a few moments, he then snapped his head to her direction.

"You stupid witch! The Wylden Cosmos is of utmost importance,if your reluctance is mere act of vengeance I insist you drop it. " Corvan said with impatience written all over his face.

Valeriana sharply gave him a glare. "Quit being paranoid you impatient devil. Not everyone is as selfish as you ..."

Corvan looked away and started mumbling incoherent things under his breath. Valeriana took no notice and gazed out of the window again

" Valeriana, if you are afraid of failure then your stupidity is more than I can take . How would you know the extent of your abilities if you do not see it for yourself "

" Fear of hurting another individual is called caring. I wouldn't expect you to know that "

" I wouldn't expect you to care."

They locked gazes .

" I am not like that." Valeriana said with a sad low voice.

Corvan stood up and made his way to her . He grabbed her hands then placed them on both sides of his head . " In this case, you have to be ".

She hesitantly gave in and closed her eyes. Corvan copied this action.

Next thing she saw was a vision of white light slowly fading to reveal a luxurious room and an anxious Corvan yelling at what seems to be a new set of Celestes.

He also seemed to be a lot older about 37 or 38.

She was more than surprised but  curiosity led her to sit back and watch.

"How could you not find them?!" Corvan yelled.

"They nor the queen's mother was at home your highness. Neither were they anywhere in a 50 kilometer radius." Said one of the Celestes.

"We also ran out of resources forcing us to flee. We will resume the search as soon we are capable." Another one of them reasoned.

Corvan sighed, and with the flick of his wrist, he dismissed them . He then fell to his chair with his hands covering his face and groaned in frustration .

"Where can they be?" He whispered with a tone of worry.

Out of nowhere, the door opened revealing a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes running to him with his little feet. He was around seven and had his arms wide open motioning for a hug as he continued to run.

Corvan shot up in joy at the familiar face and hurriedly met the boy in a hug and lifted him into the air. He then carried him in his arms, relief present in his face.

The Celestial CorVal (Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now