Chapter 2: Playing God

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A/N: You don't understand how much I love that AMV <3

Anyway, I hope you enjoy!


I never knew rich kids could be this picky...

Kyoya, Tamaki, Hikaru and Kaoru were constantly going against each other on which angle you'd take shots from, and when and who would go first. This arguing had gotten old, fast, and you just wanted to settle it quickly and efficiently, but doing so meant speaking up over them, and the prospect of that scared you a little.

"Guys, why not let the photographer choose where and how she takes pictures?" Haruhi exhaled, more annoyed with the arguing than you seemed to be. She then rolled her eyes toward you, making your smile at he antics. This club was extremely tightly knit, and it made you feel 'at home', something you didn't get the pleasure of feeling that often- ironically enough never at home.

"Yes! Why not let the princess decide!" Tamaki almost yelled as he spun toward you like a slightly clumsy ballerina, only gaining an amused smile from everyone in the room. Pink dusted your cheeks at the compliment, and you began fiddling with your camera.

"Well, how about I just start taking some pictures, and if there's anything you want me to change, go ahead and ask?" You posed it more as a question than a statement- which is what it was meant to be. Tamaki, Kyoya and the Twins nodded as if they had just ended a war and looking at the way they had been fighting, maybe they had ended it before it had even started. All over pictures.

The Hosts began posing, and you took pictures, trying not to laugh at the twins rather hilarious antics. They were acting out all these famous movie scenes- quotes and all, and you found it rather amusing. You continued capturing each host, but the most awkward by far was Tamaki.

He wasn't exactly... The modelling type through the eyes of this camera- the one your dad had given you. He seemed to be fine and all in real life, but through your camera, he seemed a little more awkward. Actually, that wasn't the camera- that was you.

Something about him just made you want to either run away in embarrassment or stand still, giving no clues that you were there.

But you bore through it and took the pictures- after all, the show must go on.


After you had done the first round of pictures, the hosts began moving you around, changing your focus, and even got up to the stage of taking photos themselves.

"Why not do it yourselves..." You muttered to yourself, struggling against the urge to grab your camera and run. That camera was important- even if the one who gave it to you was your father, it was important. Great memories followed this camera... Four months of this?

Honestly, it was tough handling just one afternoon- four months of it at this stage seemed unbearable.

You sat down after the photo shoot and started fiddling with the settings of your camera, making sure everything worked and such. Haruhi walked up toward you and sat down beside you, a tray of tea and teacups in her rather obviously feminine hands.

"Tea?" She asked, and you nodded shyly.

"Listen, I'm sorry you have to deal with..." You both looked over toward the hosts, who were all doing a rather... Unique theatre act (I hope) involving cases stuck on their heads and others dancing around them. You turned away awkwardly. "That for four months..." You only smiled sadly in reply. "Now, I don't know much about photography, but isn't it easier to take pictures of people when you know more about them?"

"Yes... That is correct." You answered, looking up from your camera and looked toward Haruhi.

"Maybe you should hang around here a little more and get to know us?" I haven't known Haruhi for that long but... This just doesn't seem like the kind of thing she'd say.

"I suppose you're right Haruhi." You smiled before taking your cup of tea and sipping it away.


Math was boring. It calmed you down, but it was boring- especially when you had a double period of it right before lunchtime. The outside world and nature were practically yelling your name, but instead of running outside, camera in hand, you sat glued to your unmistakably comfortable desk chair doing maths.


As soon as the bell for lunch rang, you walked toward the rose garden outside. You sat at a bench with your homemade lunch that your mum had made for you (she's so sweet ^_^) and began eating it, your eyes wandering the garden views for the umpteenth time over the two years you had spent here. You began waking back to your locker to place your now-empty lunch box away, and checked the time on the obnoxiously large (and loud) Ouran Academy clock tower.

You saw that you only had five minutes till the end of lunch.

You wandered outside, but felt something oddly shaped underneath your foot. You stepped back and saw a brown teddy bear lying on the ground. You looked either way before kneeling down and picking the bear up gingerly.

You brought it up closer to your face, taking in small details like the way it's fake fur ran and how the eyes shon in the midday sunlight.

"[Y/N]?" You flinched when you recognised the voice and looked upward and sideward to see Tamaki stand there.

"Oh, hi Tamaki. Is this yours?" You gestured the bear slightly toward him to make sure he understood what you were talking about. He looked between you and the bear before nodding. "Ah... Does he have a name?" You stood up slowly, and you could feel his eyes watch you as you did.

"Yeah... Kuma..."

"Really? That's so cute! Kuma-chan! I had my own stuffed teddy when I was a kid. I lost it, and still haven't found it, but good memories. Anyways, here is your Kuma-chan." You passed his teddy bear back over to Tamaki who seemed struck dumb by something and didn't know how to react. He awkwardly took his bear and at that moment the bell rang, signalling the end of your rather one-sided conversation.


I hadn't ever seen someone look like that toward a teddy-bear.
She seemed so interested in it, like it was a person with the inability to speak and she wanted to know its story- even with the possibility of it being a rather boring one.

I wonder why she doesn't let others see her like that- and also, where was during lunch?


A/N: I hope you enjoyed that! See you guys next time!


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