Chapter 4: Our Club

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You leaned back in a velvet chair close to the entrance of the music room, fiddling with the settings on your camera. The hosts were very passionately talking about something, but you were too focused on this- something kept jamming the buttons.

"What d'ya say, [Y/N]?" Tamaki's face moved close to yours quickly, and the sudden attention made you jump, knocking your heads together. You groaned slightly while rubbing your forehead, placing your camera on the table.

"I'm sorry Tamaki... Are you okay?" He didn't seem in too much pain, but it was always hard to tell with him.

"I'm okay, but what do you say?!" He seemed much more excited to see your answer to a previous question that you actually hadn't heard. In reply, you blinked, still slightly fazed.

"Uhm, what are you talking about?" His face fell, and you felt a pinch of sadness enter his voice and stab your heart.

"Weren't you listening?"

"I'm sorry."

"Well, since you're officially apart of our family, we've decided to throw you a party!" Your eyes widen.

"A-a party?"

"Yeah!" Honey moves closer to you, excitement written all over his face.

"Uhm, I'm not really that into parties..." It's half true. You could handle parties just fine, if you stuck to the wall or corner, most people wouldn't walk up to you and engage in conversation- except a few underage drinkers would occasionally get into the party, and that's around about the time you'd leave. You've had a lot of experience with alcohol and would rather not gain any more.

"Awwww! You're no fun." The twins pipe in and lean on your shoulders.

"Ahhhhh..." You fumble with your words, trying to find ways to justify your answer.

"How 'bout we take [Y/N]-chan to a festival?" Honey, latched onto Mori, speaks up from the back of the group. Each of the hosts think about it for a moment.

"That will definitely save us a lot more money..." Kyoya turns away for a moment to write something in his notebook and the other hosts stay getting excited.

"Even Kyoya approves! Come on [Y/N]! Join us!" Tamaki takes your hand in excitement, and you blush, almost unable to speak over all the other hosts trying to convince you.

"Fine, but--" You begin, but before you can continue, the hosts are hugging you tightly.

"YES!" They (minus Mori and Kyoya) all yell in sync. You sigh and as soon as they let you go, you grab your camera and head for the door. "Where are you going?" The same people ask, varying degrees of curiosity in their voices. You look back, one hand on the door-handle.

"Photography club. See ya later." You leave and walk toward the Photography club.

You speed up your pace as you walk past the newspaper club- they made you nervous. You pushed the open door and smiled as the new scent of Lavender enveloped you.

"Lavender, huh?" You place your camera on your desk, that was covered with negatives in protective cases, and a few finalised photographs that you were thinking of putting into a competition, but you weren't entirely sure.

"Yeah- she finished the Pine one yesterday." Maria, your senpai by one year said calmly, hunched over her digital camera by her desk which was just in front of yours. She was one of the lucky girls who managed to pull of the school uniform perfectly, and she had golden brown hair that fell down to her shoulders softly with a small shimmer. She had bright green eyes that were naturally wide, and she had dimples whenever she smiled.

Comfort in Numbers (Tamaki X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now