Chapter 5: Dear Father,

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Yet another day with the Host Club. Today, you were sitting with the Twins, and snapping pictures of their 'brotherly love package', which frankly, made you feel awkward. The surrounding girls seemed way into it, squealing and fangirling all over the place- it was a surprise they hadn't yet been squeezed to death by them. The boys, at the moment, were caught in a rather 'intimate' embrace, and you were staring in slight disbelief.

You saw Kyoya looking at you, and you quickly realized the purpose of your presence was to take photos, and if you didn't take any pictures, you were probably going to have to pay- which was not something you wanted to do, due to the fact that you weren't actually 'rich'.

Later on, girls had filled out the room and you were sitting with Haruhi near the back of the room, talking about nothing of any importance.

"Excuse me?" A man's soft voice called out from the entrance of the music room, but you didn't notice.


"Oh, look--" Kaoru spoke with a slightly bored tone, leaning against his brother.

"It's that 'doctor' who's daughter goes to Ouran Public School." Hikaru finished, and grabbed the other Hosts' (minus Haruhi) attention.

"Hmm? Oh. How can we help you?" Kyoya looked up from him laptop, and paused his rhythmic typing, which grabbed [Y/N]'s attention from the back of the room.


You turned around, to see a shabby looking man in casual clothes which no doubt stuck out like a sore thumb against the others. Your jaw dropped, and you could no longer hear Haruhi calling out to you, to ask if you were okay. The cup of tea in your hand slipped out of your grasp and fell onto the empty space next you, staining the couch and most of your left thigh. The heat of the tea made you jump, grabbing everyone's attention.

"DAD?!" You yelled, complete disbelief etched on your face. Your father, now noticing your presence ran toward you, but you hardened your expression and turned away. "I thought I told you--"

"This is your father?" Haruhi stood up, a pleasant smile on her face, and walked toward your father ith her hand outstretched. "It's good to see you again."

"Ah, sorry about that first impression." He brought his hand up to the back of his neck, and a sheepish smile came to his face.

"Wait, you've met before?" You asked Haruhi, completely ignoring your fathers figure.

"Excuse my interruption, but the way your father described you, you seemed to be a young child- around about 10." Kyoya cut in, you glared at your father.

"Why do you always make me sound so young?" You sighed at his awkward expression, one hand behind his head. "You haven't changed a bit--"

"I'm sorry." This caught you off-guard.

"Huh?" Your arms slipped out of your crossed-arm position, and you turned to him. The hosts around you, Tamaki in particular, were all staring. You had hoped they'd never have to meet your father.

"I'm sorry." He repeated.

"If you think that's all it's going to take then..."

"Let me show you I've changed. Please." You looked into his eyes- he was sober at least. You wanted to be believe him, but after all those years of lying, it was hard to.

"I can't."


After your father had left, the room had lost its cosy atmosphere, and it had been replaced by an awkward one. You felt the hosts watching you, but you couldn't look them in the eye. Especially not Tamaki.

You knew what Tamaki would say. Even though you hadn't known him that long, you knew he'd want you to meet with your father. You knew Tamaki would try and persuade you to do so, and you couldn't let that happen.

You stood there for a couple more moments, but as soon as you heard Tamaki move forward you knew what you had to do. You grabbed your camera and ran out of the room, not even bothering to say goodbye. As soon as you got outside, cold fresh air flooded your lungs as you took a large breath.

"Dad!" You stopped, camera held tightly in your hand. He turned, surprised expression adorning his features. "Listen. If I were to spend one day with you, will you leave me alone?" He started getting excited and you frowned a little.

"Okay!" He skipped out of the school gates and you sighed, eventually leaving for home.

You hadn't noticed that Tamaki was looking out from the Music Room #3's windows, a look of curious concern playing upon his features.


"Yes?" Hikaru and Kaoru were suddenly standing nearby, saluting their King. The other hosts looked up, and Haruhi did too.

"Not this again..."


A/N: sorry for the long wait on such a short chapter :(

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I hope you enjoy the next :)

See you! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2015 ⏰

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