Chapter 1.

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“Oh, for god’s sake Mollie, just leave me alone” I said loud enough for her to understand that I did not want to go to that stupid party.

“Come on Elle! You need to live a little, you’re eighteen” Mollie said. What’s the point in going to somewhere you know you won’t have a good time? I didn’t like parties. I have never been fond of them. I didn’t want to attend it. I just needed to relax and stay at home, maybe watching a movie or spending time on my computer. That’s me.  “Why are you so difficult?” She whined.

“I was asking myself the same thing” I muttered under my breath while looking at a magazine. She was standing on her feet in front of me, with her hand on her waist, trying to look intimidating. 

“Just this one, okay? I won’t bother you again. Please, just try to have fun once in a while”

“Why can’t you understand that my concept of fun isn’t the same as yours?” I close the magazine and looked at her. She frowned. Wasn’t she going to give up?! I close my eyes and sighed. Loud. “Alright. But on one condition”

“And what’s that?” She asked. She couldn’t even hide the big smile that was trying to fight back.

“This is the last time you make me go to one, okay?” I asked poiting at her with my finger. She sighed.

“Alright, deal” Mollie smiled again. “Now come on, you need to get ready.

With my bad attitude –as always- I stood up and walked to my closet. I didn’t need to impress anyone so I just grabbed what looked nice and put it on. With a pair of black platforms maching my black tight skirt and white shirt, I was ready. Mollie, on the other hand, was wearing a red and short –And I mean short- dress. She looked stunning, as always. Her blond and wavy hair was reaching just down her shoulders and her legs looked longer than they normally were. She’s such a beautiful girl, she has always been since I met her many years ago. And her confidence just makes her even more attractive to boys. Opposite to me, quite and shy with pale skin, brunette hair and dull brown eyes. But I liked it that way, not bringing attention to myself. I like it being… let’s just say unnoticed.

An hour later we got into Mollie’s car and she drove us to the party. She handed me her car keys knowing that I wouldn’t drink and she would. As soon as we got inside, she got lost in a group of people and I decided to go on on my own. I helped myself a cup of coke I found in the kitchen and walked to the living room of the house in which the party was taking place. I was surronded by drunk people. Just great. This was one of the many reasons I didn’t do parties. What’s the fun in being pushed by drunk people who acts so dumb? I won’t ever understand that.

Taking a deep breath, I walked outside and found a garden with some christmas lights, making my vision of where I was walking a bit better. I sat down on a kind of bench and looked at the stars. What the hell was I supposed to do now? I didn’t know anyone from here. Sure, they went at the same college as me but I haven’t ever paid attention to people there. I just mind my own business, I have always been like that.

“You don’t look like you’re having fun there” A guy with blonde hair appear from behind and sat down next to me.  I started to feel nervous, the least thing I wanted right now was someone to talk to me.

“Really? Because I’m having the time of my life” I replied rolling my eyes. Maybe that would make him go away.

“Sarcastic, I like that” He half smiled. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. “So, who are you? I think I haven’t seen you before” He asked. What, does he know everyone from here? Maybe he was a creep.

“Elle” He nodded.

“I’m Niall” Before I could reply –And thanks God- Mollie appeared from nowhere.

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