Chapter 10 - Phone Call

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A few more people left and Stu got up to say goodbye to them, this time leaving Kali in the living room. The phone rang and looking over at the device that was too far away for her to reach in her drunken state she threw a pleading look at Randy who sighed, but answered it.

"Hello? Yeah." He said and paused for a bit. "Holly shit." He whispered, standing up. "N-I..." Randy seemed unable to talk as he lowered the phone and turned to face everyone else. "Listen up." He caught their drunken attentions. "They found Principal Himbry dead. He was gutted and hung from the goal post on the football field."

"What are we waiting for?" Ryan looked over at Troy.

"Let's go before they fucking pry him down." Troy said back as all the remaining guests got to their feet and began to run for the door. "Kali, you coming?" Troy called.

"Go." She turned to see Stu. "I can't, I'm entertaining, but you can and fill me in." She thought it was strange that Stu was encouraging her to leave with Troy of all people and even stranger that he thought she would actually want to.

"Ring me tomorrow!" She yelled, turning to Troy. "Fill me in!" Not wanting to waist time, Troy nodded and jumped in the car, taking off with everyone else. Kali turned back to Stu, "I can't leave without Tatum and if she did bail then I definitely can't leave without Sidney. Plus, I'll probably get plenty of details from Dewey. If you want to go and see then I'll be happy to take care of your house guests... which by the way is only Randy, Sidney and Billy at this stage." She said, patting him on his chest and heading back inside.

"Did I miss much?" She asked Randy, leaping back on the couch beside him.

"Nope, I paused it for ya." He said, handing her some popcorn.

"Aww, thanks buddy."

"You're welcome, buddy." Randy said back. The two of them had been watching horror movies together since they were old enough to rent them. It was kind of their friendship thing.


"What are you thinking about?" Sidney asked Kali as they walked.

A student had come and found Sidney, saying they had a last minute rehearsal for the play. Kali wasn't in it, but she had helped with a large portion of the screenplay and was yet to see a run through and decided that now was the time, wanting a distraction. Mickey seemed okay with letting her go as she would be with Sidney and her bodyguards.

"Principal Himbry." Kali replied. "He was next, after Casey and Steve, but we only found out just after Randy explained the rules."

"This isn't exactly the same Kal." Sidney said.

"Isn't it? After Casey and Steve, you were attacked at home after you got a phone call, just like you were at the Martini Mixer. Next was the attack in the bathroom and then Principal Himbry."

"It was the phone call at your place and then the bathroom." Sidney muttered.

"May not count. That was just to give Billy an alibi."

"So what, you're saying that next we're both going to get attacked?"

"Tormented. I think it was Billy in the bathroom, he sent me in there after you, but he didn't have a weapon. He was just trying to scare us, or you at least."

"Yeah, I know." Sidney whispered. "We've got the officers now, though." Sidney stated and Kali knew better then to keep pushing it.

Once they made it to the theatre, the guards sat down in the chairs, ever watchful, as Sidney went to speak to Gus and Kali went backstage where she preferred to be.

Red Right Hand (Scream and Scream 2) Stu/OC/Mickey - FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now