Chapter 15 - Waking Up

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Kali woke up in a white room with the sound of a steady beeping beside her.

"Hey, you're awake." She heard Randy as her head fell to the side.

"Randy? You were..."

"Just got my shoulder." He smiled. "Your mum is in with Dewey she asked me to watch you while she was out."

"Dewey?" Kali asked in a weak voice.

"He's alive. So is Sidney, her dad and Gale." Kali didn't remember ever seeing Sidney's father, but she didn't have the energy to question it as she nodded happily at Randy, but felt herself falling back to sleep from exhaustion.


A loud gunshot startled Kali as her eyes slowly began to flutter open.

"Wow, that... was intense." Kali feebly rolled onto her side to see Cotton Weary standing with a gun and Sidney in front of him with a seemingly dead Mrs Loomis behind them. "Hey, Sidney, uh... Look, I want you to know that I would never, every do anything to hurt you."

"Cotton, give me the gun." Sidney asked.

"Yeah. Okay. Sure. Take it." Cotton handed it over as Kali scrambled to her knees.

"Sid?" She called.

"Oh my god, Kal. You're okay." She stated, making her way to her best friend and helping her stand.

"Define okay." Kali mumbled as she stumbled a little.

"Whoa, easy." Cotton stabled her.

"What happened?" Kali asked.

"Cotton came just in time, got the other gun and shot her. That's all that's important." Sidney explained.

"Yeah, we should probably talk about exactly what happened here. You know, I mean, get our stories straight for the press statement." Cotton began as he held Kali up by her arm and Sidney went over to check Mrs Loomis for a pulse.

A hand suddenly latched on to Sidney's wrist with a gasp causing Sidney to let out a small scream and Cotton to jump back, which in turn caused Kali to cringe in pain.

"Could somebody get me out of here?" Gale's voice rang out.

"Gale. Are you alright?" Sidney asked, beginning to help her out.

"I've been shot, of course not." Gale shot back, actually causing Kali to smile.

"Welcome to the club." She spoke up, moving over to a pole that she could lean on while Cotton went to help Sidney with Gale.

"Jesus, Gale, you scared the crap outta me. There isn't anybody else down there, is there?"


"So much for reporting from the trenches, huh?"

"Shut up, Cotton." Gale said to him.

"How bad is it?" He then asked as Sidney went and picked up the other gun, handing it over to Gale.

"Just bounced off my ribs." She replied.

"Geez, Gale, you got more lives than a cat."

"Is she dead?" Gale asked as Kali stumbled over to them.

"Randy said they always come back." Kali answered just as a groan was heard at the other end of the stage.

Gale and Sidney both turned with their guns at the ready as distant sirens could be heard. Either Cotton had called the police before he got here or someone had reported gunshots, but either way it was a welcome sound.

"Mickey?" Kali questioned as she began to step towards him.

"Kali, don't." Gale protested.

"It's alright." Sidney whispered as Kali went over to him and knelt down by his side. He was barely moving, his arm twitching a little, but it was amazing he was even doing that.

Just then the police came through the door, Kali paid no attention as the others explained what had happened and soon an officer came over to her.

"Miss, I'm going to have to ask you to step aside." He stated as medics came up to them and began to put Mickey on a stretcher.

"He... he was the one..."

"We know, you're friends told us. Let me help you to an ambulance, alright?" He asked gently beginning to guide her away.

A few minutes later she was sitting in the back of an ambulance. "I think we should get you to a hospital. Your shoulder and arm I can patch up here, but you may have a concussion." The medic explained. All she could do was nod.

"Kal! Kali!" Sidney suddenly came running up to the van. "They found Dewey, he's alive."


"They're taking him away in one of the van's now, Gale went with him, but he's going to be okay."

Kali looked over to the medic. "Hospital." She demanded and he nodded as Sidney piled into the back as well and they began to drive.

Red Right Hand (Scream and Scream 2) Stu/OC/Mickey - FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now