Chapter 1

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February 14th. A magical night not all too different from any other in the hidden gem of a town known as Storybrooke, Maine. A beautiful and intimate place which was inhabited by the most iconic fairytale creatures.

Everyone was celebrating in their own special way that night. Regina and Emma were simply celebrating with hot chocolate topped with whipped cream and cinnamon at Granny's Diner while Henry stayed the night at Robin and Roland's. Mary-Margaret and David, and Belle and Mr. Gold stayed home and watched romantic comedies as their infant children slept. The Charmings selected the classic film Pretty Woman and the Golds chose The Five Year Engagement. But amongst all the couples in town that night, Ruby and Graham had the most extravagant and memorable plans.

A week before the joyous Hallmark occasion, Graham came home one night to his and Ruby's two bedroom flat after work on the force with Emma and surprised her with reservations at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Times Square, New York. Even though back in the Enchanted Forest Ruby wasn't to be considered royalty, in Storybrooke or anywhere else in the world, Graham was certain that Ruby was the queen of his heart. When he showed Ruby the papers, she was ecstatic about it and began planning everything that she wanted to do with Graham that week. They had a lunch time picnic at Central Park and visited all of the shops in Times Square such as the Disney Store and Grand Slam; which was a souvenir shop. At the end of a busy night, Ruby and Graham settled down for bed.

As Ruby emerged from the bathroom in her red silk knee length nightgown, she bit her bottom lip in intrigue as she stared at Graham undressing himself on the edge of the queen sized mattress. They had been married for two years and together for three years prior to getting engaged, so seeing Graham in the nude should not have been as big a deal for her as it was that night. But the young waitress in crimson could not help but feel her sex drive increase that night.

Graham was just about to pull his black dress socks off when Ruby widened her eyes and spread her legs as she sat in her husband's lap and forcefully laid him down on the bed with a slight push on his highly defined abdominal muscles.

"I need you, so much" Ruby sighed as she looked at Graham with wide lustful hazel eyes. She wasted no time in waiting for the former huntsman's response and immediately proceeded to making the first move. It was late in the night, so at this point Ruby would be worried about her inner wolf emerging, but she knew as long as she was sporting some type of red she would be fine; even if Graham vigorously tore the silk red nightgown off of her.

It was certainly a night of passion as Graham held his beautiful wife of two years in his arms and he kissed her all over as a means of thanking her for all that she had helped him to become and her thanking him in return for embracing everything that she was, wolf and all; especially during those dark times where she could not accept herself. The happy couple stayed contended in the room all night making passionate love in celebration of how far they had come despite some of the negative opinions of some people in town; mainly Regina, Grumpy and the other Dwarves.


The next morning everything seemed right with the world. The sky was cloudless, sun was shining, birds were chirping as Graham looked out at the breathtakingly beautiful view of Times Square from their hotel window.

"Hey, you" Graham said as he gently petted Ruby's head as it lay on top of his broad and muscular chest.

"Good morning" Ruby sighed with a smile as she looked up adoringly at Graham.

Since it was the day after Valentine's Day, Ruby and Graham decided that it was time they headed back home to Storybrooke. They were starting to miss everyone else and it was getting to be kind of lonely in New York. Even though the purpose of the trip was to celebrate their love as a couple, they both knew that there was more things in life to be thankful for besides romance.

Before leaving New York and all its fast paced hustle and bustle glory, Ruby and Graham went to IHOP for breakfast; which to them was the big apple equivalent of the diner back home. They ordered Berry Berry Crepes and Sweet Peach Crepes. Ruby scarfed them down like there was no tomorrow and little did she and Graham know, they would not be able to blame it on her wolf genes this time. There was something much more serious to be blaming it on.

When they were back on the road on the way home to Storybrooke, Ruby complained of being car sick so Graham suggested that she pop her head into the nearest convenience store and pick up something to ease her pain. Before leaving to enter the store, Ruby thanked Graham with a kiss on the cheek assured him that she would be back shortly.

Upon entering the convenience store, Ruby was at a loss over what she could purchase to cure an upset stomach. Over the years, she had heard rumors of various remedies that worked for different people such as buying over the counter medications, chewing peppermint gum, and eating a banana. Of all the natural remedies that she had been taught, Ruby decided that the most sensible one at the moment would be to drink some ginger ale.

As Ruby roamed the aisles of the store by herself in search of the fizzy ginger flavored beverage, something deep within her soul told her in a whispered tone of voice that she was experiencing much more than a stomach bug. The voice sounded like an announcer on a game show as it told Ruby that she would bear a child who would eventually change the dynamic of the way things worked in their humble little town.

But Ruby assumed that given the history of the babies born in Storybrooke, it was unlikely that anything more could change with the birth of one child, so she just tried her best to ignore the idea.

Five seconds later, she found herself in the aisle that stocked pregnancy tests. She looked down at her flat stomach and then up at the long rectangular cardboard boxes that held the fate of countless women around the world. As she stared at the unopened boxes, the persuasive yet seductive voice returned and said "Come on, Red. Just take it. You'll see what I mean. The baby will either be the town's greatest joy or its biggest challenge. But I'm sure you'll love the baby nonetheless".

In order to satisfy the voice in her head, Ruby decided to give in and purchase a First Response home pregnancy test. But she would not tell Graham until she got the results; and she did just that.


As soon as Ruby and Graham returned home from a long drive back from their New York getaway, Ruby ran upstairs to the bathroom and took the pregnancy test. The two minutes she spent waiting for the pink lines to show up in the clear circle felt like a life time. But sure enough, they showed up and there were two of them; which could only mean one thing. Ruby was in fact pregnant.

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