Chapter 8

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Ruby and Graham remained shocked that they were going to become parents some time in the next few hours. They had not even thought to pack the hospital bag since it was so early. But they understood that they had to make the best of the situation, even if it was kind of anxiety provoking and full of uncertainties. Ruby and Graham had been thinking about this day for the longest time, but neither of them could imagine it to be anything like this.

"Okay, Ruby we are running low on time. So, I'm going to need you to start pushing now!" Dr. whale ordered.

"Alright" Ruby responded. As she closed her eyes and scrunched her face to mass the pain of the first set of contractions, everything in her mind went blank for approximately five minutes.

Graham stared in disbelief and anger at his wife laying there on the hospital bed with her eyes closed. He gently placed hand on her chest and realized that her heart had stopped beating.

"Dr. Whale! What's going on here?" he asked, his faced reddening and tears of distress forming in his eyes.

What was indeed going on in Ruby's head during this comatose-like state was a vision.


Ruby found herself laying in a field of uncut green grass on a cool spring morning. As she prepared to get up, she realized that she was no longer pregnant; which did not make any sense whatsoever. The minute she got back onto her feet, she was approached by a young boy dressed entirely in white clothing. He had the most beautiful blue eyes and curly light brown hair she had ever seen. She estimated that he was approximately 4 years old.

"Hi, do you know where I am?" Ruby asked as she squatted to better meet his eyes.

Before answering, the young boy ran off further into the field to look for something or perhaps someone. The young boy returned two minutes later with a man wearing the same outfit as the young boy, who appeared to be the same age as Ruby and Graham. However, he was 6'3 in height and had short milk chocolate brown hair that was slicked back with gel, and he had olive green eyes.

"Who are you and where am I?" Ruby asked as she rubbed the back left side of her head in even greater confusion.

"Welcome to the Land of Departed Souls. My name is Nathan and this is Lucas. He is the newest addition to our family" the man responded as he gestured to the young boy who stood at the length of his ankles.

As Ruby heard the name Lucas being spoken out loud using a voice that was not her own nor Graham's or Belle's, she had an epiphany. This was where her son must have ended up when he abruptly passed away and now she was meeting him for the very first time; although, she was expected him to be much younger. Once Ruby returned her focus to the breathtakingly beautiful scenery in front of her, she felt someone take her hand. She looked to her right side and realized it was Lucas. As he continued to hold her hand, he reported that she needed to see something.

A flash of light ran through Ruby's mind and it soon became clear that it was a memory of the day she and Graham had discovered that Lucas was no longer with them. It had only lasted for a mere 30 seconds, but Ruby was closer and closer to tears with every second that she relived it. When she asked why she was seeing it again, Lucas informed her that he knew who she was and what she saw was his first memory of her.

"I am where I need to be, mother. You can let go now. Be free and enjoy my sister's company, for she is the chosen one" Lucas said as he looked at her with eyes of sincerity that matched his father's and placed a gentle hand on her cheek as a sign of assurance.

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