How you meet (LOSERS)

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Hey so this is my first preference book.
I've done one shots before but this is kinda new to me. I've read lots before though so surely it won't be too bad!

Bill: You and Bill first met in the Barrens. You were new to town and wanted to explore it on your own. Till you bumped into the stuttering boy who was waiting alone for the rest of the losers. You explained to him that you were new and he insisted to show you around so you weren't alone.

Richie: You both met over your passion for gaming. One Saturday in the arcade you were playing some games when you beat a high-score and turned around to see a boy with glasses staring at you gobsmacked that you beat his record that took him two months to get. Ever since he became obsessed with you and enjoyed going to the arcade even more.

Eddie: You were in the pharmacy picking up a few things for your parents on the way home from school when a woman came in dramatically pulling her son along. She even pushed you out of the way to speak to the pharmacist and emphasise how her son needed an immediate refill. Once she went to collect them the boy was sat embarrassed at his mother and you asked him if he was okay and from there you both began talking and found out he attends the same school as you.

Stan: You and Stan met when Henry and his group were bullying him on the way home from school. "Nice frisbee." They taunted taking his kippah. You instantly dropped your things and rushed over to them and began to shout in the other boys defence. It earned you a beating but they left stan alone. Once they left he helped you up and took you to get some food as a thank you after checking you were okay.

Mike: You had been dared to go into the Neibolt house by a few of your friends which is where you met Mike. You were terrified to go in but you built up the nerve to do so however, once you stepped in you bumped into Mike and screamed scaring both of you. When you asked him what he was doing you realised he was tearing up and explained that his family had died here. You felt sympathetic for him and ended up ditching your friends and decided to hang out with him instead.

Ben: You were told by the headmaster at school that there was a new kid. You were asked to show him around since you were at the top of your class. Once he arrived he introduced himself as Ben, the whole time he was blushing wildly and by the time your tour ended you had already planned to go on a mini-date to the library after school.

Beverly: Turns out Beverly wasn't the only girl in school with nasty rumours circulating around her. In fact, you revived the abuse almost every day from the gangs of girls. Although you had heard the venomous things about Beverly you had never met her in the flesh. However, one particular morning in the girls toilets as you were pinned against the wall Beverly happened to be around and burned the girls skin with her cigarette. Screaming she stormed off after threatening both of you. Beverly asked if you were Okay by you were too stunned to reply. In the end you both ended up ditching school and went to the Barrens to hang out...

A/N: Alright so that's the first chapter done! I hope you guys enjoyed it. I really liked writing it. Feel free to comment some requests you want for preferences, one-shots or personalised ones where you are included (Make sure you are specific with what you want) anyway! Thanks for reading!!

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