Favorite Movies (LOSERS)

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Bill: Rom/Com's. You both love snuggling up together with a few snacks and a fluffy blanket watching romantic comedy's on a night and falling to sleep together on the sofa.

Richie: Action movies. They were definitely his favourite and yours too. You both enjoy the thrill of guns and explosions as well as fast cars. It's usually you laughing at richie as he impersonates all the actors knowing the lines word for word.

Eddie: Mystery shows. It's not really a movie but you guys prefer to sit and watch shows like PLL and CSI back to back for hours until you realise it's 3am and you both go up to bed.

Stan: Comedy. You and Stan both love watching comedy's just to have a good old laugh, some of your favourites are the really old corny ones with bad jokes that you constantly reference around the other losers and they just get confused.

Mike: Disaster films. A personal favourite of yours is 2012. You both agreed to show your future children and tell them that you beat it like a boss. It usually consists of Mike being shocked every time a tsunami comes and he constantly says "oh my god that could happen to us!" Which makes you just laugh more.

Ben: Documentaries. As much as films are great you and Ben would prefer to sit down and listen to David Attenborough's sexy voice for hours on end. Honestly. Your favourites were either about dinosaurs or sharks. They just seemed really interesting to both of you. Having fun and learning, Yes please.

Beverly: Horror. The thrill you two got from sitting up alone in the dark late at night watching intense horrors were great. Especially when the room got really intense and something would appear making one of you jump causing the other to laugh and taunt them and once the movie was done you'd race each other up to the bedroom trying to get out of the dark in fear the monsters would get you...

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